
Discoveries and inventions of the 19th century

  • Steamship

    It works by the steam engine. In 1803 Robert Fulton presented his invent to Napoleon but he did not liked it and Fulton continued his experiments in United Estates. In 1807 he built a new boat that went across the Hudson river from New York to Albany.
  • Photographie

    In May 1816 Nicéphore Niepce got the first negative of a photographie taken from his window, but the photo didn't stay attached and with the light it darkened. Niepce called these images "rétines". In 1822 he got print the first photographie.
  • Electromagnetism

    In 1820 Hans Christian Oersted was doing and experiment with a electric circuit. He observe that when he turned on or off the circuit the needle of a compass that were near oscillated and he deduced that the electricity produce magnetism. And in 1831 Michael Faraday discovered that the magnetism produce electricity.
  • Braille System

    Braille System
    Louis Braille, a french pedagogue designed this system to facilitate the reading and writing to people with visual disability. It was more fast and effective than other methodes that existed in that moment.
  • Steam Locomotive

    Steam Locomotive
    The origins of this locomotive were the wagons pulled by animal in the mines. In 1829 Georges Stephenson built the first steam locomotive that was called "The Rocket". The first line was Liverpool-Manchester. This was one of the mode of transport more used until the middle of tghe 20th century.
  • Anaesthetic

    Dr. Horace Wells made an anaesthetic and he did a public demostration of its use in 1846 but in the middle of the demostration the patient started to scream. After this his friend and disciple Wiliam T.G. Morton started to experiment with ether sulfuric and the 16th of October of 1846 did a public demostration of his anaesthetic. It had success and a month later the anaesthetic was started to be sold in many countries.
  • Elevator

    Elisha Otis Grave invented the elevator. It had a security system that impide the elevator fall down if the wire is broken. This invention had a lot of success.
  • Dirigible Airship

    Dirigible Airship
    It was an airship built in France in 1852 by Henri Giffard, the first powered and steerable airship to fly.
    On 24 September 1852, Giffard flew the airship 27 km around 3 hours.
  • Incandescent Bulb

    Incandescent Bulb
    In 1893 Thomas Alva Edison was finishing a legal dispute about the invention of the incandescent bulb but Heinrich Göbel presented a new legal dispute in which he afirmed had invented an incandescent bulb in 1854 that worked about 400 hours. The judge said that was improbable that Göbel created a incandescent bulb with the knowledge of the moment but Franklin Leonard Pope wrote a report saying that Gobel was a unrecognized inventor.
  • Telephone

    In 1854 Antonio Meucci invented a telephone that connected his office with the bedroom because his wife couldn't move herself because of a rheumatism, but he didn't have money enough to patent his telephone and he patented other inventions that considered more useful
  • Bicycle

    Pierre Michaux and his son Ernest invented the bicycle with pedals in 1861. In 1868 Pirre Michaux created with the Oliver brothers the fist company that sold modern bicycles.
  • Clinical Thermometer

    Clinical Thermometer
    It was invented Thomas Clifford Allbutt, a british doctor. Before this invention patiens had to hold the thermometer 1 hour to know if they had fever.
  • Typewriter

    It was invented by Cristopher Sholes and Carlos Glidden. But the first typewriter had some problems: it can write only in capital letters and it was uncomfortable to write. It started to be sold the 1 July 1874.
  • Phonograph

    It was the first invention that could recreate sound and one of the first in record it. It was invented by Thomas Alva Edison.
  • Electric Locomotive

    Electric Locomotive
    It was invented by Werner von Siemens and it was presented in 1879 in Berlin. The train had a locomotive and three wagons and it reached 13 km/h.
  • Seismograph

    John Milne
  • Car

    Karl Benz invented that which is considered the first car of the history, the motorwagen, an automobile fueled by gas. It had three wheels. The 1885 version was difficult to control, leading to a collision with a wall during a public demonstration. The first successful tests on public roads were carried out in the early summer of 1886.
  • Gramophone

    Emile Berliner made a improvement of the Edison's phonograph. The phonograph could recorder sound, but it couldn't do a masive production, therefore musiciens had to repeat the same song several times and the gramophone could do many copies of the same reproduction without have to repeat it.
  • Plane

    It was invented by Clément Ader in 1890. It had the shaoe of a bat and it works by a steam motor.
  • X-rays

    They were discovered by Wilhem Konrad Röntgen while he was investigating the fluorescence of the cathodic rays. Hisstudies were very important for the science and in 1901 received the nobel prize of physics.
  • Cinema

    The Lumière Brothers are the inventors of the cinema. It was patented the 13th of February 1895 and in this year the shot their first film. Eight years later they invented a process to film films with color.
  • Radioactivity

    In 1896 Antoine Henri Becquerel dicovered by chace the radioactivity. He was experimenting whit uranium and he observed that it emited a radiacion. After this Marie and Pierre Curie still investigating and they found out new radioctivity elements.
  • Aspirin

    Felix Hoffmann, a swiss chemist, doing experiment created acetylsalicylic acid and dicovered its properties: it alleviate the headache, inflammation and the fever. In a firt momet it was sold in form of powder in a glass bottle
  • Tape Recorder

    Tape Recorder
    In 1899 Valdemar Poulsen improved the phonograph of Edison and created a tape recorder. It was exhibited in the National eshibition of Paris in 1900 and it interested people. It record sound and it works with a magnetic tape.