Jan 1, 1396
Eye GLasses
Nobody knows who made the first eyeglass but it was made in the lat thirteenth century. -
Jan 1, 1436
The printing press
invented in 1436 by a German named Johannes Gutenberg. -
Jan 1, 1496
invented in 1496 by England -
Made in 1578 by Leonardo Da Vinci -
Galileo Galilei invented the thermometer in 1593. -
flush toilet
The first flush toilet was made by Sir John Harrington in 1596 for his Godmother, Queen Elizabeth. -
Hans Lippershey really invented the telescope in 1608, but Galileo was credited for it . -
was invented in 1670 by China.They used it to shoot off fireworks. -
Giant Crossbow
Invented by Leonardo Da Vinci.