Invention Timeline

  • Period: to

    Invention Timeline

  • The floppy disk

    The floppy disk
    First commercially sold floppy disks hit the market in the early 70's. They were created by IBM and Memorex. They were 8 inches in diameter and could hold about 80 kb of data.
  • Email

    In 1971, Ray Tomlinson created the first internet mailing system. It was developed to send mail on the ARPANET system, which was the precursor to modern internet.
  • Digital wrist watch

    Digital wrist watch
    In 1972 the Hamilton Watch Company invented the Pulsar Time Computer. It was the first digital time wrist watch and paved the way for time keeping.
  • DynaTAC Prototype

    DynaTAC Prototype
    In 1973 Motorola engineer Martin Cooper made the first truly mobile phone call on the very first DynaTAC prototype. This was a turning point for telephone communication.
  • Portable Cassette Player (Walkman)

    Portable Cassette Player (Walkman)
    Sony releases the Walkman in 1979 and it revolutionizes the way people listen to music. It costed about $150 when it was released, and Sony sold millions of units.