The Railroad
The railroad was invented for many different reasons like transporting resourses to others or getting resources but for also travaling.
-George Stephenson -
The Sewing Machine
The sewing machine is an actual important machine because this was how we first got our cloths and blankets and much more with out it we would be doing everything by a small little needle.
-Elias Howe -
The Typewriter
The typewriter is also like a important machine because many of the people had to write letter and also books by just this
machine.Many businesses used typewriters to print documents.
-Christopher Latham Sholes -
The Telephone
The telephone was a very helpful device but the only problem was only rich families were able to afford them back then.
-Alexander Graham Bell -
The Radio
The reason it was invented is because mostly people use to listen to the news and were aware of what is going around them.
- Guglielmo Marconi -
The Hearing Aids
The hearing aids from commonly used for hearing the way to use it was to put the small little curve part next to your ear and try to listen on famous person to use these were Beethoven but was never able to listen due to such extreme damage to his ears but he still got got them from many people.
-Miller Reese Hutchison -
The Airplane
The airplane is mostly used for Travaling but for also know to carry goods like cargo planes this has had such a big affect for the flying companies.
-Wright brothers (Wilbur and Oliver) -
The Electric Guitar
The first electric guitar was mostly used for music and had a wide impact on the music industries.
-Adolph Rickenbacker -
The Car Seat Belt
The car seat belt has a very important role it save many people during accidents and is very useful to this day.
-Nils Bohlin -
The Internet
The internet has helped million of people around the world it is used for school,business,and much much more the internet has been useful in all of our live at our point with out it we would be writing with pencils.
- Robert E. Kahn