
Invention of Telegraph

  • Visual Network Sent

    Visual Network Sent
    In the Frenchman, Claude Chappe used a visual network to send a message ten miles away. The visual network consisted of a telescope, a clock, a codebook, and white and black panel.
  • First non-electrical Telegraph

    First non-electrical Telegraph
    • The first non-electrical telegraph was made by Claude Chappe.
  • Crude Telegraph

    Crude Telegraph
    Samuel Sommering created the first-ever crude telegraph.
  • US telegraph

    US telegraph
    The first US telegraph was made by Harrison Dyar.
  • Long Distance Message Demonstration

    Long Distance Message Demonstration
    Joseph Henry demonstrated the potential of William Strugeons electromagnet for long-distance communication. By sending an electric current over one mile of wire to activate an electromagnet, causing a bell to ring.
  • Recording Electric Telegraph

    Recording Electric Telegraph
    Samuel Morse created the first recording electric telegraph. He used pulses of current to deflect an electromagnet, which moved a marker to produce written codes on a strip of paper. This led to the invention of the Morse Code.
  • Panted Telegraph

    Panted Telegraph
    William Cooke and Charles Wheatstone panted the Cooke and Wheatstone telegraph using the same principle of electromagnetism.
  • Morse Gaining Support

    Morse Gaining Support
    Morse obtained a patent in the United States but split his patent right to gain the support of influential partners.
  • Experiments by Morse

    Experiments by Morse
    Morse obtained a $30,000 grant from Congress to build an experimental line between Baltimore and Washington.