Steam egine
James Watt had created the steam egine in england and and was relible. It was used to pump water. It was invented pump water out of the coal mines. -
Cottin gin
Eli Whitney invented the cottin gin. It was created in the United States of America. It was used to spread the seeds from the cottin fiber. It was invented to help farmers. -
Alexander Bahem Bell made the first telephone. The first Telephone was made in canada. It was used for cantacting -
Diesel engine
The Diesel engine was created by Rudolf Diesel. It was created in France. It was used without gasoliene. to help the people in France. -
Ferdinand von Zeppelin created the zeepelen. southern Germany. It was a framed air ship. -
Wilbur and Orville. It was in invented Kitty Hawlk. It was invented for transfermation. -
Bartolomeo Crostofori created the piano. It was created in Britan. It was created for music.