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Inuit Culture Timeline

  • 3300 BCE

    The Beginning of The Inuit

    The Beginning of The Inuit
    The Inuit culture started 4,000 years ago, about 3300 BC.
  • Sep 29, 1400

    War over Greenland

    War over Greenland
    The Inuit successfully take over Greenland from the vikings in 1400.
  • Sep 29, 1530

    European vs. Inuit

    European vs. Inuit
    In 1530, European settlers came to invade Greenland. Many of the Inuit are exposed to disease.
  • Excuse Me, Could I Borrow a Couple of Whales?

    Excuse Me, Could I Borrow a Couple of Whales?
    Basque men came to the shores of Greenland, hoping to hunt whales. The Inuit showed them where the animals were and helped them. In 1600 the Basque went back to their homeland, because the whales had stopped coming.
  • Get off My Property!

    Get off My Property!
    Through out the 1700's, Russia, Britain, and the United States fight for the Inuit's rightful land; Greenland.