McCandless born
Chris McCandless is born -
Period: to
McCandless' life
Family Move
Chris McCandless moves to Annandale, Virginia with his family by his fathers work in Washington DC -
Chris' journey starts
Chris heads directly west in his Datsun, which in Arizona is abandoned by Chris due to flash floods. Chris also creates his new identity of Alex Supertramp and starts recording his journey in is journal. This is the first stop on Chris' journey to find his true self. -
Alex's crush
In Northern California Alex hitched a ride from Jan Burres. Jan lived just like Alex, just had a car and was the age of his mother. All the same Jan took an instant liking to Alex with their very similar qualities. In their very short time together Alex and Jan grew very close to each other and when they departed from one another Alex would send postcards to Jan whenever he could. -
Wayne Westberg
After Jan, Alex hitched another ride from a man named Wayne Westberg in South Dakota. Wayne offers Alex a job to let him earn some money. Wayne and Alex end up becoming very close friends and stays with Wayne tell Wayne gets in trouble with the law so Alex goes to Mexico. -
Alex and Mexico
Alex sneaks across into Mexico in a kayak. Spending time along the coast, the coast was covered in swamps and some mexicans gave him a ride back to the coast and sends some time along the coast. After hitting a rough patch of water, Alex abandons his kayak and tries to swim back to America. -
Alex back in America
Alex getting caught back in america by the immigration police and stay the night in a prison. After explaining his situation they let him go and take away his gun he had on him. -
Arizona again
In Bullhead city, Arizona Alex settles down in a trailer and starts his job at Mcdonals flpping burgers. He started working in his real name Chris McCandless and opens a savings account giving out his real social security number. -
Alex and Jan again
On Alex's journey he reconnects with Jan at the slabs on a military base. The slabs are like a flea market but on base and is mostly just a hang out spot. Alex helped at Jan's stand selling books along with Jan's boyfriend. Alex helps for a while but focuses more o his trip to Alaska -
Robert Franz
Alex now in Salton City, California is recruiting supplies for his trip to Alaska. When looking for supplies he hitches a ride with a man named Robert Franz. The two instantly bonded, like Alex and Wayne in a way, and Alex delayed his trip to Alaska wanting to spend more time with Robert. -
Alex continues his journey
Alex now being a hobo with no money, Alex finds and transportation that he can. For a while he hops trains and finds himself near Robert Franz again and ends up getting a ride from him as far as he can back east. Robert and Alex finally depart from each other around Grand Junction, Colorado. Alex decides to hitch his way back to South Dakota and goes back to working for Wayne since Wayne is now out of jail. -
To Alaska!
Finally Alex decides to go to Alaska to start his new life. He hitches a ride all the way to Fairbanks Alaska. -
While hitch hiking Alex hitches a ride from Jim, the two instantly become friends on their ride together. Jim and Alex having fun chatting becomes worried that Alex is under equipped for the Alaskan wilderness. Stubbornly with many offerings Alex takes rubber boots that Jim offered him to better equip him. Alex is dropped off at his final destination Stampede trail by Jim and they say their goodbyes. -
The bus
While in the Alaskan wilderness Alex crosses a river and finds something off in the distance. Curios he ventures off towards it and it is a bus. Alex writes in his journal the "Magic Bus Day!" This becomes Alex's home in the wilderness. -
In the wilderness
Alex now with his new home started hunting and gathering food. He killed a 600 pound moose and gathered such things as potatoes. He ate these and the potatoes to Alex's unknowing had seeds he ate that made him very sick. He became weaker and left notes on how he was doing in his journal. -
Alex dies
The sickness made Alex weak and unable to get food which lead to his starving. Alex before he died left a note saying he needed whoever help that stumbled along that note and the bus. After he died some people just a couple days later came out to that bus and found his dead body in his sleeping bag in the bus. -
Alex dies
The sickness made Alex weak and unable to get food which lead to his starving. Alex before he died left a note saying he needed whoever help that stumbled along that note and the bus. After he died some people just a couple days later came out to that bus and found his dead body in his sleeping bag in the bus.