Intro. to Professional Education

  • Harvard's President

    Henry Dunster becomes President of Harvard College. He taught all the courses himself.
  • The First Charted University

    The University of Georgia becomes "America's first state-chartered university."
  • The Blackboard

    James Pillans creates the blackboard.
  • The first College for Women in the U.S.

    Eighty students arrive at Mount Holyoke Female Seminary, the first college for women in the U.S. Its founder and president was Mary Lyon.
  • The Department of Education

    The Department of Education is created in order to help states establish effective school systems.
  • School for the Deaf

    Boston creates the first public day school for the deaf.
  • The Fountain Pen

    The first practical fountain pen is patented by Lewis Waterman.
  • The first Junior High School

    1909 - In order to improve high school graduation rates, the Columbus Ohio School Board authorizes the creation of junior high schools. Indianola Junior High School opens that fall and becomes the first junior high school in the U.S.