Detrital Wash, Arizona
Chris is hit with a flash food, car is broken down, leaves car and most earthly belongings. Burns money to show he is not a slave to society and he feels his adventure will be more satisfying without it. -
Crazy Ernie
Alex works on the farm of a m an named crazy Ernie. Crazy Ernie never pays alex thus he steals a bike and heads West. -
Jan Burres
Chris takes a ride from a woman in Northern California. Jan and chris grew close as a mother son relationhip in their short time together. -
Wayne Westerberg
Chris, who goes by Alex by this time, catches a ride from a man named wayne westerberg. Wayne offers alex a job working on his grain elevstor and accepts. Wayne and Alex grow close before wayne is arrested and alex decides to head south, -
Period: to
Alex buys a cheap kayak and decides to follow the river all the way down into Mexico. Alex lives primarily off the land while traveling throughout the Mexico rivers. ALex is caught in a rough patch of water that leads him to decide to return to America -
Bullhead City
Alex begins working at a mcdonalds and lives in a trailer. Alex arranges to visit jan and meets her on her way -
The Slabs
Jan, her boyfriend, bob, and alex, all head to the slabs, an old base that many tramps and dregs of society cling to. ALex helps Jan run her stand selling books. Alex tells of his plan for Alaska. ALex decides to head for south dakota once more. -
Ronald Franz
On route to South Dakota, Alex camps outside of Salton City, California. One day while hitch hiking, Alex is picked up by old man Ronald Franz. The two click very well and Alex delays his alaska trip to live with Ron, where he makes a belt with symbols that tell his story. Alex leaves, but then callas ROnald to ask for a ride. Ron takes alex as far as grand junction Colorado -
South Dakota to Alaska
ALex arrives in South Dakota again to make final preperations for alaska. After much difficulty, alex arrices in Fairbanks, Alaska. Jim Galien gives ALex the final ride to Stampede trail. -
Magic Bus Day
Alex crosses the Teklanika river and hikes till he finds a bus he decides to make shelter of. -
Alaskan Summer
Has much good hunting at first. Alex kills a moose, tries to preserve the meat but after 3 days the meat is full of maggots, alex writes of it as the most tragic event of his life. Alex tries to return the society but finds the river he originally crossed much too high during the summer and returns to the bus -
Inedible plants
Alex survives day to day by eating wild plants and hunting small game. He eats seed of wild potatoe, which causes his body to not be able to digest foods, as it is an inedible plant. Becomes too weak to hunt and ,eaves a note for help on the door as e slowly starves. -
Alex leaves a final note behind knowing he will soon die. His note tells of his happy life and blesses all. 19 days later his body is found by hunters.