Treaty of Versailles signed
After Germany surrendered the war, the nations agreed to stop fighting while terms were negotiated. France wanted revenge on Germany and wanted to make them pay for what they did. On the other hand, the United States wanted peace. -
League of Nations established
The League of Nations was established when the President of the United States suggested a list of points he felt were needed to prevent another war, the League of Nations included. Forty-two nations were part of this league, the United States and Germany not being involved. -
Beer Hall Putsch
The Beer Hall Putsch was when Adolf Hitler and his followers planned and staged an event to take over the government of Bavaria. This plan failed and as one of the consequence Hitler was sentenced to five years in prison. -
Dawes Plan
The Dawes Plan was created by Charles G Dawes to institute yearly payments of Germany’s reparations on a secure scale. At first this plan was hugely successful. German Politicians didn’t like this plan because they thought it wasn’t reducing reparations total. -
Benito Mussolini takes power in Italy
Benito took over Italy in 1925 making himself dictator. He did this in attempt of re-establishing Italy as a great European power. -
Locarno Pact
The Locarno Pact was an attempt to remove tension between countries. Mainly between France and Germany. This pact failed in 1936 when Germany sent troops into neutral Rhineland. -
Kellogg-Briand Pact
The Kellogg-Briand Pact was an agreement signed in the city of Paris on August 27th. The pact was signed to prevent another World War, but had a small effect on stopping rising militarism or preventing the second World War. -
Stock Market crash in the USA
During September and early October stock prices were beginning to drop. On the 29th of October known as Black Tuesday, stock prices collapsed completely. From this, billions of dollars were lost, thousands of investors were wiped out and stock tickers ran hours behind. -
Japan invaded Manchuria
Japan had invaded Manchuria to gain more land and resources like oil. This lead to China complaining to the League of Nations hoping they would help and keep Japan out. The League of Nations failed to do so and ended up losing it’s most powerful member in the Far East. -
Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany
On January 30th the Reich president appointed Hitler to the position of Chancellor, which was the highest position in the Weimar Republic. Immediately after he began making commands and transformed Germany into a dictatorship. -
Italy invaded Ethiopia
Benito Mussolini adopted Hitler's plans to expand and gain more territory by obtaining territories they considered German. Benito followed this strategy when Italy invaded Ethiopia, and claimed that their policies of expansion were similar to the colonial powers in Africa. -
Germany reoccupied the Rhineland
Germany reoccupied the Rhineland when Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles and the Locarno Pact. This was done by sending military forces to remilitarize the Rhineland which had been a demilitarized zone along the Rhine river in Western Germany. -
Anti- Comintern Pact between Germany and Japan
The Anti-Comintern Pact between Germany and Japan. It was disguised as an effort to go against the influence of Communist International and was meant to serve as a military alliance. -
Rome-Berlin Axis
The Rome-Berlin Axis was when Italy and Germany formed an alliance. Italy's foreign minister made this agreement which connected the two countries together. This was then formalized by the Pact of Steel. -
Germany’s Anschluss with Austria
The Anschluss was a union between Germany and Austria that went against the Treaty of Versailles. This union was part of Hitler’s plan to have all German-speaking people part of one country. -
Munich Agreement
The Munich Agreement was an arrangement allowing Nazi Germany conquest of Czechoslovakia. Britan's and France's prime ministers signed this agreement with Adolf Hitler to help avoid the outbreak of war. -
Germany occupied Czechoslovakia
In March Hitler’s forces invaded and occupied Czechoslovakia, giving up the Munich Agreement. This showed that Hitler had lied at the Munich Agreement and that he was after more than just a “Greater Germany” because Czechoslovakia wasn’t Gearman. -
Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact was signed by European enemies, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. They agreed to take no military action against each other in the next ten years. Joseph Stalin used this as a way to keep peace and build up his army. Hitler used it as a way to make sure Germany was able to invade Poland unopposed. -
Germany invaded Poland
On September 1st Germany went against the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact and invaded Poland. This lead to Britain and France demanding that Germany withdraw by the next day or face war. German did not withdraw their troops, so World War II began with Britain declaring war on Germany and many other countries following after.