Treaty of Versailles is signed
The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty that was imposed upon Germany after the end of World War I. The treaty included a number of punishing conditions on Germany. This led to Germany’s economic collapse, and was a major factor in Adolf Hitler seizing power in Germany. -
The Weimar Republic is established in germany
This was Germany's government from 1919 to 1933 the period after world war 1 until the start of the Nazi government. It was named after the town Weimar. -
The league of nation is created
This is an intergovernmental organization. This is the result of the Paris peace conference that ended the first world war -
French occupation of the Ruhr
As a condition of the treaty of Versailles the duhr region of Germany bordering France and Belgium was to not be occupied by French or Germany army. Germany wasn't following the war reparation payments so France sent its troops into the ruhr as compensation -
Beer Hall Putsch
Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party were growing in popularity in the early 1920s, They believed they could create a new government in Germany. Hitler and his followers attempted an overthrow of the Wiemer republic. Hitler and the Nazi party memebers were aresstd and sent to prision -
The Dawes Plan is created
Germany continued defaulting on its reparation payments, so the United States created a plan where the us baned money to Germany which it would use to rebuild its economy. -
Benito Mussolini becomes dictator of Italy
Benito Mussolini became President and dictator in Italy bringing in the worlds first fascist dictatorship. Mussolini and his Blackshirts eliminated all opposition and terrorized the people and the king into allowing him into power -
Locarno Treaties are signed
The Locarno Treaties were a series of agreements between the Allies and Germany, where the allies would allow Germany to rebuild and recover from world war 1 and have friendly relations with Germany, In exchange Germany would promise not to go to war again. -
Kellogg Briand Pact is signed
The Kellogg Briand Pact was a general agreement between various countries that they would not use war as a means of settling disputes. It was signed by most nations involved in world war 1, including france Germany Britain and united states -
Beginning of the Great Depression
The stock market crash in 1929 triggered a worldwide depression and economic crisis known as the great depression -
Japan invaded Manchuria
Japan was also experiencing an economic crisis and was desperate for resources. This led to Japan invading Manchuria, a region of China, for its coal and iron. -
Hitler appointed as Chancellor of Germany
Hitlers appoinment to Chancellor was German president Hindenburgs desperate attempt to stabilize Germanys chaotic political climate. -
Italy invaded Ethiopia
Benito Mussolini led the Italian invasion of the African nation Ethiopia, in an effort to establishan Italian empire and gain valuable resources for Italy -
Germany reoccupied the Rhineland
Germany was forbidden to occupy the Rhineland area of Germany as per condition of the treaty of versailles. In violation of the treaty, Germany marched its troops into the Rhineland. -
Creation of the Rome-Berlin Axis
Germany and Italy, both countries with a fascist dictator, signed an agreement to support each other called the Rome Berlin axis. both Hitler and Mussolini had similar interests in expanding there territory -
Creation of the Anti Comintern Pact
Germany and japan signed an anti communist agreement that both countires would fight against communist countries -
Germany's anschluss with Austria
Anschluss refers to the concept of uniting Germanic-speaking peoples in Germany and Austria after world war 1. Germany was forbidden from having any alliance with Austria by the treaty of Versailles, Hitler believed that Germany and Austria must be untied as they are both germanic peoples -
Signing of the Munich Agreement
After Hitler annexed Austria, he next wanted to annex Czechoslovakia. both Hitler and Mussolini entered into an agreement with Britain and France that allowed Hitler to occupy the Germanic-speaking area of Czechoslovakia known as the Sudetenland, with the condition that Hitler stop annexing more territory. -
Germany occupied Czechoslovakia
After signing the Munich Agreement, Germany eventually invaded and occupied of Czechoslovakia. Notnjust the German speaking Sudetenland. -
Creation of the Nazi Soviet Non Aggression Pact
Hitler had intentions of invading and occupying more of Europe, but to do this he needed to create an agreement with the Soviet Union that they would not fight each other. -
Germany invaded Poland
After occupying Czechoslovakia, Hitler sought to annex Poland. He made an agreement with Joseph Stalin of the soviet union to divide Poland between the two countries, and soon after German troops invaded Poland. -
Britain declared war on Germany
Following Germany's invasion of Poland, Britain realized it had failed to maintain peace, and had no choice but to stand up to Germanys agr]gression.