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Ultranationalism of Germany

  • World War One: (1914-1919)

    World War One: (1914-1919)
    As World War One came to an end in 1919. The nations after WW1 saw the need for some sort of world organization that could resolve disputes without going to war. This was known as the: League of Nations. The League of Nation's task was simple - to ensure that war never broke out again. The League's goals included disarmament, preventing war through collective security and settling disputes between countries
    through negotiation. At the end or WW1 Germany was already impoverished and starving,
  • Terms of Treaty Of Versailles

    The terms of the treaty for Germany were:
    1. Germany had to accept blame for starting the war.
    2. Germany had to pay reparation payments for the damage done in the war. (These payments put the country into severe debt.)
    3. Germany was forbidden to have submarines or an air force and could only have 6 battleships and an army of 100,000 men.
    4. Germany lost territory and German colonies were given to Britain & France.
  • The Treaty Of Versailles

    The Treaty Of Versailles
    The final product after the League of Nations was a contract that produced controversy, and placed heavy burden on Germany. The Treaty of Versailles had multiple binding requirements, that would cripple the economy and government in Germany.
  • Inflation In Germany: (1920-19230

    Inflation In Germany: (1920-19230
    Germany suffered extreme inflation. Germany money became almost worthless while prices increased more than 100 times. This left Germany in grievances.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    Source #1Extreme inflation in Germany in the early 1920s occured. This experience was one of the most severe inflations of all time. Inflation hurts some people but helps others by redistributing wealth and income
  • The Stock Market Crash:

    The Stock Market Crash:
    The Stock Market Crash was 1 major factor that contributed to the Great Depression. This economic turmoil meant that Germany's government could not take care of their people As a result citizens became angry & vulnerable to anyone that could offer help, This was especially hard on Germany who was already in massive debt due to the retribution payments
    inflation and unemployment soared in the country.
  • Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler
    Adolf Hitler became Chancellor in 1933 and rose to power as Germany was in depression due to the treaty from WWI and depression spread worldwide.
    He appealed to the people and motivated them. Hitler was a powerful speech maker and he made people feel proud to be German. He promised to get the country out of depression.
  • The Holocaust: 1933-1945

    The Holocaust: 1933-1945
    The holocaust was Hitlers way of trying to purify the human race. Hitler thought the Jews were the inferior race that caused all the problems for Germany. He collected all the Jews and held them in concentration camps.
  • Genocide: Final Solution

    Genocide: Final Solution
    A systematic, official program of genocide named the final solution was undertaken in 1941 to gather all Jewish people. He ordered th violent and systematic destruction and slaughter of minorities.