Treaty of Versailles is signed
June 1919: The signing of the Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty created at the end of World War I. The treaty was created against Germany and has a number of punishments that were against Germany. Germany, Britain, France, Italy, and Russia all signed the treaty which ended the war officially. -
The Weimar Republic is established in Germany
August 1919: The Weimar Republic was Germany's government after the first World War before Nazi Germany came in and took over. The Weimar Republic was formed by a national assembly and was named after the town of Weimar where they were formed. The Weimar Republic involved political and economic crisis, violence and drastic social changes. The Nazi Party then replaced it. -
The League of Nations is created
January 1920: The League of Nations was an international organization made to create a maintaining peace after the war. The League of Nations was apart of Wilson's 14 points and the point of the League of Nations was to negotiate an agreement with the nations in conflict. The league of nations ended up not working out very well because of the major countries that were involved in the league of nations not reinforcing the countries that were being attacked and invaded. -
Benito Mussolini becomes dictator of Italy
October 1922: Benito Mussolini became a president and dictator in Italy, which was the world's first fascist dictatorship. Him and his followers destroyed all opposition and terrorized the people and king into letting him have power. This act has great influence of Adolf Hitler when he became a dictator of Germany. -
French Occupation of the Ruhr
January 1923: The French occupation of the Ruhr was apart of the Treaty of Versailles. The Ruhr was a region in Germany that bordered France and Belgium that was not to have French or German army in it. But once Germany stopped doing its war payments, French troops marched into the Ruhr because of Germany's actions which made Germany very angry with France. -
Beer Hall Putsch
November 1923: the Nazi party and Hitler became very popular and thought about creating a new government in Germany, so they decided to try and overthrow the Weimar Republic which caused Hitler and some of the Nazi party members to be imprisoned. -
The Dawes Plan is created
April 1924: Germany was continuing on not paying its reparation payments, which got the United States to make up a plan to loan Germany money to help Germany rebuild its economy and help pay the reparations to France and Britain. France then removed its troops from Ruhr because of the payments. The plan was a failure due to the Great Depression and Germany ended up going bankrupted. -
The Locarno Treaties are signed
October 1925: The Locarno treaties were a set of agreements between Germany and the Allies, where the allies would allow Germany to rebuild and recover from the first World War and the Allies would have friendly relations with Germany. For the Allies allowing Germany to rebuild, Germany in return agreed and promised they would not go to war again. The treaty allowed Hitler to gain power and strength without the Allies interfering in his plans. -
The Kellogg-Briand Pact is signed
August 1928: The Kellogg-Briand was a war agreement to not use war to settle disagreements that was within various different countries. It was signed by most of the nations that were involved in the first World War which included France, Germany, Britain, and the US. Once Hitler broke this pact between them World War 2 also started. -
Beginning of the Great Depression
October 1929: A worldwide depression and economic crisis started after the stock market crash which created the Great Depression. The Great Depression caused millions of people across the globe to become unemployed, and caused the economics in most places to be in a crisis. This also allowed Hitler and Mussoli to become the power of Germany and Italy. -
Japan invaded Manchuria
September 1931: Japan was experiencing economic crisis following the Great Depression and was in deep need for some resources. Japan needing resources led to them deciding to invade Manchuria in China for coal and iron resources. The lack of support and help from the League of Nations and that they did not react to Japan taking China's resources. -
Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany
January 1933: Hitler was appointed to Chancellor by the German president, Hindenburg, in attempt to try and stabilize Germany's political craze. Once Hitler was appointed Chancellor he took control over Germany and started recreating and rearming the German military and caused German to be a fascist dictatorship with himself in power. -
Italy invaded Ethiopia
October 1935: Italy wanted an Italian empire and wanted to collect resources that would be valuable to them and decided to invade the African nation of Ethiopia which was lead by Italian, Benito Mussolini. Once again the League of Nations failed to help out in the invasion and did not help to stop Italy or help Ethiopia. -
Germany reoccupied the Rhineland
March 1936: In the Treaty of Versailles Germany was forbidden from occupying Rhineland which was taken away from them post World War. Germany violated this treaty and decided to march troops into Rhineland. The League of Nations did not attempt to stop Germany from entering Rhineland which caused Hitler to continue on his expansion. -
Creation of the Rome-Berlin Axis
October 1936: Both fascist dictatorships, Germany and Italy, signed an agreement between the two of them to help support one and other which was called the Rome-Berlin Axis. Both leaders of the countries (Hitler of Germany and Mussolini) had similar interests and both wanted to expand their area of land. Germany, Italy and their allies later were known as The Axis Powers -
Creation of the Anti-Comintern Pact
November 1936: One month after the creation of the Rome-Berlin Axis, Germany and Japan both signed an agreement that they would both fight against countries that were communist such as the Soviet Union. The pact united Germany and Japan and later Italy as well. -
Germany's anschluss with Austria
March 1938: Anschluss is a word for uniting people who speak German in both Germany and Austria after the First World War. Germany was not allowed to have an alliance with Austria due to the Treaty of Versailles but Hitler believed that they should be united because of them both being people who spoke German. When Germany then occupied Austria, they occupied it with little resistance -
Signing of the Munich Agreement
September 1938: Once Hitler extended into Austria he also wanted to extend into Czechoslovakia. Hitler and Mussolini agreed to an agreement made with Britain and France which allowed Hitler to go into Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, which was the German speaking part, and occupy it, as long as Hitler stopped extending into more territory. Eventually Germany occupied Czechoslovakia -
Germany occupied Czechoslovakia
March 1939: After Hitler agreeing to the Munich Agreement between him, Mussolini, France, and Britain, he then invaded Czechoslovakia instead of just the German speaking area of Sudetenland and took over. By doing this Hitler violated the Munich Agreement as he was only supposed to take over Sudetenland and was then suppose to stop taking over other areas. Britain didn't respond to Hitler taking over all of Czechoslovakia even though it was against the terms -
Creation of the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
August 1939: Hitler wanted to invade and and occupy more of Europe but realized they would need to create an agreement between them and the Soviet Union so they would not fight each other. Soviet Union was quite big and Hitler would not want to Soviet Union to try and defend who they were taking over so they signed an agreement instead. -
Germany invaded Poland
September 1939: After Hitler took over Czechoslovakia he also wanted to occupy Poland as well. He decided to make an agreement with Joseph Stalin who was apart of the Soviet Union to help him divide Poland so that Germany had half and the Soviet Union had half. Germany not only invading all of Czechoslovakia but Poland too went even more against the Munich Agreement he had agreed to. -
Britain declared war on Germany
September 1939: Once Germany invaded Poland, Britain figured that in their attempts to create a maintaining peace from Germany with the Munich Agreement, that it had failed after Hitler took over Czechoslovakia and went for Poland. By Germany doing this Britain had no choice but to stand up against Germany and their aggressive behaviour. On September 3, 1939 Britain officially declared war against Germany by doing this they created WWll