Interwar Years

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Treaty made after WWI to punish Germany.
  • Warren G. Harding Takes Office

    Warren G. Harding Takes Office
    Warren G. Harding takes office during "roaring 20's" economic boom.
  • Unemployment Rates

    Unemployment Rates
    Unemployment reaches 2.5 million.
  • Russian Cival War

    Russian Cival War
    The start of the Russian Civil War.
  • David Lloyd George Resigns

    David Lloyd George Resigns
    David Lloyd George resigns.
  • Mussolini becomes Italian Premier

    Mussolini becomes Italian Premier
    In Italy, Mussolini is named Italian Premier.
  • Death of Vladamir Lenin

    Death of Vladamir Lenin
    Vladamir Lenin dies and Stalin suceeds him.
  • Dawes Plan

    Dawes Plan
    Americans refinanced German'y war reperations.
  • Start of the Five Year Plans

    Start of the Five Year Plans
    Stalin implements the first of the Five Year Plans.
  • Italy is Named One Part State

    Italy is Named One Part State
    Italy is named one part state.
  • Poincare Resigns

    Poincare Resigns
    Poincare resigns.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Black Tuesday stock market crash sent US into Great Depression.
  • The Great Purges

    The Great Purges
    Stalin starts what is known as the "The Great Purges."
  • Change From Roosevelt

    Change From Roosevelt
    Roosevelt's new ideals start fixing US economy.
  • Hitler appointed chancellor

    Hitler appointed chancellor
    Hitler became Chancellor of Germany
  • Roosevelt Goes Into Office

    Roosevelt Goes Into Office
    Roosevelt begins 1st term with US still suffering from Great Depression.
  • Hindenburg's Death

    Hindenburg's Death
    Hindenburg passes and Hitler becomes "Der Fuhrer"
  • Italy's Victory

    Italy's Victory
    italy wins the war.
  • Italy Invades Ethiopia

    Italy Invades Ethiopia
    Italy invades Ethiopia.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    The start of the Spanish Civil War.
  • Roosevelt Relected

    Roosevelt Relected
    Roosevelt is elected for 2nd term.
  • Neville Chamberalin Becomes Prime Minister

    Neville Chamberalin Becomes Prime Minister
    Neville Chamberalin is appointed to be Prime Minister.