Interwar Years

By Flareon
  • Treaty of Verseilles

    Treaty of Verseilles
    Treaty of Verseilles is signed
  • Warren Harding taking office

    Warren Harding taking office
    Warren G. Harding takes office during the economic boom.
  • 2.5 million are unemployed

    2.5 million are unemployed
    Unemployment reaches 2.5 million
  • Russian civil war ends

    Russian civil war ends
    Russian civil war ends
  • David Lloyd

    David Lloyd
    David Lloyd, Jorge
  • Mussolini is italian premier

    Mussolini is italian premier
    Mussolini named Italian Premier
  • Lenin dies/ Stalin takes his place

    Lenin dies/ Stalin takes his place
    Viadimir Lenin dies, Stalin succeeds him
  • Dawes Plan

    Dawes Plan
    Dawes Plan
  • Stalin's 1st Five Year plan

    Stalin's 1st Five Year plan
    Stalin inplements the first "Five Year plan".
  • Itaty is a party state

    Itaty is a party state
    itaty is a party state
  • Poincare resigns

    Poincare resigns
    Poincare resigns
  • Black Tuesday stock market crash

    Black Tuesday stock market crash
    Black Tuesday stock market crash sends the US into the Great Depression.
  • Chamberlin is prime minister

    Chamberlin is prime minister
    Weville Chamberlin appointed prime minister
  • Hitler is chancellor

    Hitler is chancellor
    Hitler appointed chancellor
  • Roosevelt's 1st term

    Roosevelt's 1st term
    Roosevelt begins first term with US still suffering from Great Depression.
  • Period: to

    Roosevelt"s "New Deals"

    Roosevelt"s "New Deals" get the USA going in the right economic direction again.
  • Period: to

    The Great Purges

    Stalin starts what is called "The Great Purges".
  • Hindenburg dies/ Hitler is "Derfunrer"

    Hindenburg dies/ Hitler is "Derfunrer"
    Hindenburg dies; Hitler becomes "Derfunrer"
  • Spanish Civil War begins

    Spanish Civil War begins
    Spanish Civil War begins
  • Roosevelt is re-elected

    Roosevelt is re-elected
    Roosevelt is re-elected for 2nd term in a landslide victory.