• Treaty of Versailles Signed

    Treaty of Versailles Signed
    The Treaty of Versailles is signed. Germany is forced to pay for costly reperations.
  • Warren G. Harding Takes Office

    Harding becomes U.S. leader.
  • Great Britain's Unemployment Skyrockets

    Great Britain's Unemployment Skyrockets
    Britain's unemployment skyrockets to 2.5 million in July of 1921, as a result of depression.
  • Russian Civil War Ends

    Russian Civil War Ends
    The civil war between the "Reds" and the "Whites" in Russia finally comes to an end.
  • David Lloyd George Reigns

    David Lloyd George Reigns
    David Lloyd George takes over and grasps power over Great Britain in October of 1922.
  • Mouselini Italian Premier Gradually Erodes Democracy

  • Vladimir Lenin Dies and Stalin Takes His Place

    Vladimir Lenin Dies and Stalin Takes His Place
    The Russian ruler, Lenin, passes away. Stalin takes over power and takes Russia in a whole different direction, with goals to industrialize.
  • Dawes Plan

    Dawes Plan
    An attempt to solve all of the reperation issues that had troubled international politics.
  • Stalin Implements First Five-Year PLan

    Stalin Implements First Five-Year PLan
    In order for Russia to begin industrializing, Stalin comes up witha plan to reach these goals in five years.
  • Italy becomes a one party state

  • Poincare Resigns

    Poincare of Italy resigns his rule.
  • Black Tuesday Stock Market Crash

    This is the beginning of the great depression.
  • Stalin Starts Great Purges

    Stalin Starts Great Purges
    Stalin executes many innocent people in public "purges" to keep his power and get rid of people he saw ws a threat.
  • Roosevelts New Deals

    These new deals got us going in a better economical direction.
  • Hitler Appointed Chancellor

    Hitler Appointed Chancellor
    After losing the presidential election, Hitler becomes chancellor under the president, Hinderburg.
  • Roosevelt begins first term

    He beings his first term, all while the US is still "depressed".
  • Hinderburg Dies and Hitler Becomes Fuhrer

    Hinderburg Dies and Hitler Becomes Fuhrer
    When the president Hinderburg, of Germany, dies; Hitler takes over power and becomes Fuhrer.
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

  • Italy wins war with Ethiopia

    They then create Italian East Africa.
  • Spanish Civil War Begins

    Spanish Civil War Begins
    A war that Germany considers a "test-run" that began before the start of WWII.
  • Roosevelt Re-Elected for 2nd Term

    Roosevelt reelected for second term of US presidency.
  • Neville Chamberlain Appointed Prime Minister

    Neville Chamberlain Appointed Prime Minister
    Chamberlin is appointed as the Prime Minister of Great Britain in May of 1937.