Interwar Timeline

  • Russo Japanese War

    Russo Japanese War
  • Japan’s Imperialism

    Japan’s Imperialism
  • Meiji Restoration

    Meiji Restoration
  • Paris Peace Conf - Promised Land

    Paris Peace Conf - Promised Land
  • Japan signs the Treaty of Versailles

    Japan signs the Treaty of Versailles
  • Allied powers sign the Treaty of Versailles

    Allied powers sign the Treaty of Versailles
  • Italy Founded League of Nations

    Italy Founded League of Nations
  • Japan founded League of Nations

    Japan founded League of Nations
  • France founded League

    France founded League
  • United Kingdom Founded League

    United Kingdom Founded League
  • Canada Founded League

    Canada Founded League
  • Hitler becomes leader of NSDP

    Hitler becomes leader of NSDP
    Becomes der Fuhrer
  • Mussolini comes to power in Italy

    Mussolini comes to power in Italy
  • Mussolini forms a new Gov after Political and Economical unrest

    Mussolini forms a new Gov after Political and Economical unrest
  • Hitler + Ludendorff attempt a rebellion

    Hitler + Ludendorff attempt a rebellion
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
  • Mein Kampf written

    Mein Kampf written
  • Germany admitted to League

    Germany admitted to League
  • Hirohito becomes Emperor of Japan

    Hirohito becomes Emperor of Japan
  • Suppression of Opposing Parties

    Suppression of Opposing Parties
  • Lateran Treaty creates Vatican City

    Lateran Treaty creates Vatican City
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
  • Mukden/Manchurian Incident

    Mukden/Manchurian Incident
  • Japan leaves the League

    Japan leaves the League
  • Germany’s Rearmament

    Germany’s Rearmament
  • Hitler’s Third Reich in full command

    Hitler’s Third Reich in full command
  • USSR joins League

    USSR joins League
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    Italy invades Ethiopia
  • Troops moved to Rhineland

    Troops moved to Rhineland
  • Mussolini and Nazi Germany become Axis Powers

    Mussolini and Nazi Germany become Axis Powers
  • Italy leaves League of Nations

    Italy leaves League of Nations
  • Sino-Japanese War 2

    Sino-Japanese War 2
  • Austrian Anschluss

    Austrian Anschluss
  • Munich Agreement/Sudetenland

    Munich Agreement/Sudetenland
  • WW2 Starts

    WW2 Starts
  • Protectorate of Bohemia & Moravia

    Protectorate of Bohemia & Moravia
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
  • Albania Annexed by Italy

    Albania Annexed by Italy
  • Italy enters WW2 with Germany

    Italy enters WW2 with Germany