Period: to
The Weimar Republic in Germany
The Weimar Republic is established in Germany
The Republic was the new government created after the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II from the government in February of 1919. Within the time of the Weimar government, there were many different conflicts internally and externally but there were also rewards that came from it. From 1924-29 they succeeded in getting some prosperity in Germany but with the global economic crisis, Germany lost that prosperity, leading them to grasp for desperate measures which then lead Hitler to rise to power. -
Treaty of Versailles is signed
The Treaty of Versailles was created to end WWI but ironically it is what led to the rise of Hitler and then the start of WWII. The Treaty of Versailles was a treaty created by the Allies (Britain, France, America, etc.) as a kind of revenge against Germany for instigating much of the loss of WWI. This treaty was forced onto Germany
on June 28, 1919. With this treaty, the Germans were forced to accept all responsibility for the damages, pay huge reparation payments, and give up much land. -
The League of Nations is created
The League of Nations was an international organization created at the end of WWI to stop and prevent future and present wars from happening. An example of The league of nations stopping a war is when the Treaty of Versailles was created to end WWI. In the case of the Treaty of Versailles, it caused the Axis to surrender and compensate the Allies for their losses. (read the rest on the League of Nations time span) -
Period: to
League of Nations
(read the beginning in "The League of Nations is created") The League of Nations got much of its inspiration from the "14 points" speech made by Woodrow Wilson, the president of the United States at that time, in January 1918. In part of the 14 points speech, Woodrow emphasized how he wanted an organization that would step into a conflict before it would turn into a wildfire of bloodshed and warfare. -
Beer Hall Putsch
The Beer Hall Putsch was a failed coup d'etat that was organized by the leader of the Nazi party, Hitler, in 1923. That lasted from November 8th to the morning of the 9th. This event happened during the Weimar Republic, the current government at that time. -
French occupation of the Ruhr
The Treaty of Versailles forced the Germans to do and accept many things but in doing this there were many Germans who would defy the rules. With the Ruhr case, there were some Germans who defied to deliver coke and coal to France as per the order of the Treaty of Versailles but doing this caused the French to occupy the
industrial Ruhr River valley region in Germany. In the end, this dispute was settled by the Dawes Plan and the occupation was ended in 1925. -
The Dawes Plan is created
The Dawes Plan was created to settle the issue of Germany having to pay huge war reparations. With this plan, Germany was able to pay its reparations. France was able to pay its war loans to the US. This plan was created by the Dawes committee. This plan consisted of three steps. First, the US gives Germany money to build their economy up; then to pay war reparations to France, and then France uses that money to pay back their war loans to the US, then the cycle repeats itself. -
Benito Mussolini becomes dictator of Italy
The Significance of Benito Mussolini becoming the dictator of Italy was that Fascism became acceptable in the country, paving the way for an agreement with Nazi Germany soon after. With this movement, Italy shied away from the old way of things into a more military-directed country. Mussolini was a war-oriented man causing Italy to also be war-oriented while under his rule. -
The Locarno Treaties are signed
The Locarno treaties were a series of treaties that were created to calm the tensions that were rising in Europe between different countries because of WWI. These treaties were designed to improve the relations between neighbouring countries, therefore, creating a sense of peace for the nations. -
The Kellogg-Briand Pact is signed
The Kellogg-Briand Pact is a pact that was created where the political leaders said that they wouldn't stop conflicts with wars but with other means. A big significance to this pact is that it still stands today. (even though it isn't always followed.) -
Beginning of the Great Depression
The Great Depression was a period of time where, worldwide, the economies went into a state of severe depression. The cause of the depression was the stock market crash on Wall Street in October 1929. This is because as the stocks crashed, people lost their money, causing both banks and major companies to go bankrupt. This event caused people to lose both money and jobs. Another major factor that continued the Great Depression was the drought that took place during this time. -
Period: to
The Great Depression
Japan invaded Manchuria
The significance of this invasion was that in doing this Japan would gain over 200,000 square kilometres of rich lands to create and cultivate to help support the growing population. Within Japan, at this time, the population was growing out of hand and the space the island provided was not enough to support the people so the Japanese government decided to invade Manchuria, a fresh and rich land, to cultivate and grow to be their escape. -
Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany
This event is important because, with this singular action of appointing Hitler as Chancellor of Germany, Hitler was finally able to start his long-winded plan to conquer the world. From the very beginning, Hitler wanted the world but this couldn't be accomplished if he wasn't in a position of great power, so by making him the Chancellor of Germany they gave him the boost he needed to start his plan. -
Italy invaded Ethiopia
Italy invades Ethiopia. In the 1890s Italy had failed at trying to conquer Ethiopia. As a result of this, they were compelled to try again when the chance arrived, to mend their broken pride. Ethiopia, at the time, was one of the only independent African states that weren't dominated by the Europeans making them a big target for conquest. -
Germany reoccupied the Rhineland
The significance of this reoccupation was that by taking the Rhineland Germany was ridding itself of the cushion that blocked their passage into France. By ridding themselves of this blockade they were successfully able to create an opening for any future invasion attempts that they might have for France and without the Rhineland, France would be defenceless when it happened. -
Creation of the Rome-Berlin Axis
The creation of the Rome-Berlin Axis was the coalition of Germany, Italy and later on Japan. This coalition formed the main fighting force of the Axis(bad guys) in WWII. -
Creation of the Anti-Comintern Pact
The Anti-Comintern Pact was a pact created between Germany, Japan and later Italy. This pact was created as a way of affirmation saying that they would stop the spread of Communism in the world but Japan left this pact when Germany signed the non-aggression pact with the USSR. -
Germany’s anschluss with Austria
Anschluss was essentially just the annexation of Austria into Germany. Annexation is the envelopment of one country into another. This event was significant because with the gain of the Austrian empire Germany gained many advantages (military, supplies, ammunition, workers, etc) This greatly increased their fighting power even before the start of WWII. -
Signing of the Munich Agreement
The Munich Agreement was an agreement between Germany, Italy, Great Britain and France that stated that Czechoslovakia would have to surrender their borders to Germany and let them occupy the land. This agreement was a sign of appeasement that the governments were showing Germany to stop another world war from sparking but in the end, it just caused another world war. -
Germany occupied Czechoslovakia
This event was a result of the Munich Agreement, This is because the Munich Agreement allowed Germany to occupy Czechoslovakia so as a result, Germany did. A great significance about this event is that because the Munich Agreement forced Czechoslovakia to surrender its borders to Germany, through this Germany was able to take over Czechoslovakia without firing a shot. -
Creation of the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
The creation of this non-aggression pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union showed the USSR's recognition of the danger that Germany possessed. Even though the USSR was a great country that was almost on par with Great Britain in terms of military strength they recognized Germany as a threat; that alone is a very significant event. -
Germany invaded Poland
Germany invading Poland caused countries that were trying to be spectators of Germany to have to finally give thought to Germany not just as a small country but as a potential threat to world peace. This event is very significant because it marked the unofficial start of WWII. -
Britain declared war on Germany
With all the crazy stunts that Germany was pulling Britain, couldn't turn a blind eye to it anymore causing them to declare war on Germany officially starting WWII.