Interwar timeline 1919-1939

  • Treaty Of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles marked the official end to World War 1, and it heavily punished Germany. Germany lost much of their profitable territories such as the Alsace Lorraine, the Polish Corridor, and parts of Denmark and Belgium. Also, Germany's military was limited to 100,000 men and Germany had to demilitarize land in 50 miles from the Rhine.
  • Leage Of Nations

    League of Nations formed in an attempt to establish World peace. It would be a way of peacefully solving problems in conference rather than war.
  • Mussolini

    Mussolini becomes the fascist leader of Italy, and transforms the country into a militaristic, nationalist country. He begins to increase the population of the country and expel anyone who does not approve of or support him. He rules all aspects of life.
  • Prosperity??

    During this time period of around 5 years. Europe began to improve relations among it's many countries, and the economy began to improve again. However, when the United States stock market crashed, it was all reversed.
  • Stalin

    Stalin succeeds Lenin, after his death. He becomes the militaristic leader of Russia. He attempts to eliminate opponents, religion, art, and other things that don't give him all rights.
  • United States Great Depression

    In October 1929, the United States stock market crashed, and many people lost a lot money, jobs, food, and homes. It would take until World War II to officially be a profitable productive company again. Roosevelt did help by starting work programs.
  • Japanese invasion of Manchuria

    The Japanese expansionist country, invade China, and begin a long series of wars. Japan, had invaded Korea and now China nearly doubling it's land since WWI. Weakens League of Nations by a lot.
  • Hitler

    Hitler is elected as Chancellor of Germany. He will now begin his work on the government and country, segregation and dehumanization of Jews also begins.