Interwar Timeline (1918 - 1939)

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    World war 1 came to an official end when the treaty of versailles was signed on June the 28th 1919. The treaty reassigned German boundaries and assigned liability for reparations. In this treaty Germany also agreed to pay reparations under the Dawes plan and the Young plan.
  • The First League of Nations Meeting

    The First League of Nations Meeting
    On the 16th of January 1920 The League of Nations held its very first council meeting in Paris six days after the Treaty of Versailles. This meeting marked the birth of the League of Nations.
  • The Soviet Union (USSR) is Formed

    The Soviet Union (USSR) is Formed
    On December the 29th, 1922 a conference plenipotentiary delegations from the russian SFSR, the Transcaucasian SFSR, the Ukraine SFSR and the Byelorussian SFSR approved the treaty on the creation of the USSR and the declaration of the creation of the USSR.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    29 October 1929 - 1939 The Great Depression was the worst economic fall in the history of industrial world. The Great Depression was a result of the stock market crash of October 1929 which caused wall street to panic and wiped out millions of investors.
  • Second Spanish Republic

    Second Spanish Republic
    April 14 1931 The Spanish Monarchy is overthrown and a new republic is formed. A provisional government is established to take from monarchy to republicanism. This republic served as a sign of hope to the poorer people in Spain.
  • The Final League of Nations Disarmament Conference is Held

    The Final League of Nations Disarmament Conference is Held
    In July 1932 the final league of nations disarmament conference is held, 60 different nations were in attendance which included the united states but this conference just like once before it failed to reach any agreement on organising disarmament and a remains an unaccomplished goal.
  • The Sydney Harbour Bridge Opened

    The Sydney Harbour Bridge Opened
    On the 19th of March 1932 The Sydney harbour bridge was officially opened after over 9 years of construction. It started construction on the 28th of July 1923 and in February 1932 it went through multiple safety tests thats lasted 3 weeks and after being proven safe then it was opened to the public.
  • The Nazi Party Wins The Election

    The Nazi Party Wins The Election
    The nazi party wins the German election and Hitler is appointed German chancellor with plans to control every aspect of german life. Hitler disagreed with Treaty of Versailles and was always arguing saying that Germans were being separated from other Germans and they didn't have enough space to expand.
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    On January the 30th 1933 the holocaust began when Hitler was appointed chancellor. Hitler believed that Germans were a superior race and the Jews were an inferior race and were an alien threat to the so called german racial community. Germans would lock Jews up and murder them during the holocaust.
  • The USSR Joins The League of Nation

    The USSR Joins The League of Nation
    On September the 18th 1934 the USSR (Soviet Union) joined the league of nations and included its representatives onto the headboard. The league of nations got together and voted, the vote ended with 39 voted yes for acceptance, 3 of them voted no (Netherlands, Portugal and Switzerland) and 7 abstained there vote.
  • First Superman Comic

    First Superman Comic
    June 1938, The first ever superman comic was published by DC comic and cost only 10 cents. The comic was about a boy from a different planet who was raised on a farm and after finding out he has superpowers he swears to protect humanity from all that threatens them.
  • Beginning of World War 2

    Beginning of World War 2
    On September the 3rd 1939 Britain and France declare war, in a response to Hitler disobeying the treaty and his continued aggression in Eastern Europe. Britain and France decide to go to war to stop Hitler's wrongdoing.