Period: to
Interwar Policies
Treaty of Versailles signed.
Treaty of Versailles signed. Germany was not allowed to take part in the negotiations, so the German government issued a protest against what it considered to be unfair demands, and a "violation of honour". -
Paris Peace Conference
Italy was promised land and resources after having fought in WWI, but when their representative arrived, they found out the other countries wouldn't grant any land. This created early tension between the major European nations. -
The belief of Lebensraum, "living space" 1921-1925
Hitler started believe that they needed living space in order to survive. During this time, the “inferior” races, such as the Jews and Gypsies, who occupied the new Nazi territories, were stripped of their possessions, jobs, and “resettled” in ghettos or concentration camps. This violated the treaty of Versailles of invading other countries. -
The National Fascist Party is Formed
Newspaper journalist Benito Mussolini Creates the National Fascist Party. Original Idea was to create a party that supported the socialist Platform and increase Workers rights. -
The March on Rome
25,000 Fascist Blackshirts march into Rome to show their power and dominance -
The Acerbo Law is passed
The Acerbo Law, which moved Italy into being a single national constituency. The purpose of it was to give Mussolini's fascist party a majority of deputies. -
October 29, 1929. - The Great Depression
The Great Depression of the 1930s was a global event that derived in part from events in the United States and U.S. financial policies. As it lingered through the decade, it influenced U.S. foreign policies in such a way that the United States Government became even more isolationist.
The Depression caused the United States to retreat further into its post-World War I isolationism. -
Britain and France's policy of apeasement
Since the legue of Nations crumbled, most nations stilled wanted to maintain the peace, like Britaina and France. In order to do so, they established the policy of apeasement. The policy was ment to keep peace and "give in" to demands given by Hitler.
Britain gained a year to build up its armed forces, but so did Hitler.
Hitler decided that Britain and France were afraid of him, and wouldnt try to stop him
Russia decided that no one would stand up to Hitler meaning war was unavoidable -
Japan attacks Machuria
Due to Japan's ultra-nationalism, they attack Machuria to obtain their land's raw materials in which they lacked due to the crop fail they suffered and economic fail from them through violent means.
This created tension between China and Japan. -
Foreign Policy 1932-1938
The United States adopted a non-interventionist foreign policy from 1932 to 1938.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt moved toward strong support of the Allies in their wars against Germany and Japan. Roosevelt helped establish terms for a post-war world among potential allies at the Atlantic Conference; specific points were included to correct earlier failures, which became a step toward the United Nations. American policy was to threaten Japan, to force it out of China, and to prevent its attack. -
Foreign policy cont
Japan attacks the US by attack Pearl Harbor, making the US furious. Roosevelt, instead of the loans given to allies in World War I, the United States provided Lend-Lease grants of $50,000,000,000. Working closely with Winston Churchill of Britain, and Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union, Roosevelt sent his forces into the Pacific against Japan, then into North Africa against Italy and Germany, and finally into Europe starting with France and Italy in 1944 against the Germans. -
End of Reparation Payments
Germany stopped paying Reparation Payments once Hitler's Nazi party had gained power. By March of that year, Hitler had total power over the country. -
Japan leaves legue of nations
Japan leaves legue of nations due to frusterations with its other members such as the USA and renowned international treaties, limiting shipbuilding, in order to build a world class navy. In 1936 japan entered an alliance with germany, this then turned into a full scale military alliance between the world major right wing powers: Germany, Japan, and Italy -
Germany's Rearmament March 16, 1935
Rearmament: the growth of the German military in contravention of the Versailles treaty.
- Began as soon as the treaty was signed on a small secret and informal bases but was expanded as soon as the nazi came into power.
- The realmers hope was that germany would slowly and quietly build up sufficient military potency until a time when it would return to colonial economic activity -
Japan attacks China, Beijing
In desperate attempts of becoming the imperial power, Japan attacks parts of China to gain power. There was both an economic and a militaristic element to this desire. Due to their famines, Japan was prepared to get what day needed, even through violence which contributed to the push for world war II -
Hitler announces anschluss with Austria
March 12, 1938, Hitler moves his troops into austria to form a "anschuluss" or a union with austria to create a greater germany.
Austria was now a nameless entity absorbed by Germany. It was not long before the Nazis soon began their typical ruthless policy of persecuting political dissidents and, of course, all Jewish citizens. -
Britain PM Chamberlain gives up land to Hitler
Chamberlain goes to see Hitler at Berchtesgaden.
Without consulting Czechoslovakia, he promises to give Hitler all the areas where more than 50 per cent of the population is German. Then he persuades France to agree. This showed how Britain and France wanted to keep peace but also heated up the second world war. -
Munic agreement signed
The Munich Agreement was a settlement allowing Nazi Germany's takeover of portions of Czechoslovakia along the country's borders mainly inhabited by German speakers, for which a new territorial designation "Sudetenland" was coined. This gave Hitler more power which helped getting into world war II -
Sudetenland relegated to Germany
Between 1 October and 10 October 1938, Sudetenland was invaded by germany and annexed remainder turned into the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. -
Nazi Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
A pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. The pact guaranteed that the two countries would not attack each other. -
Germany invades Poland
The invasion of Poland marked the beginning of World War II. The invasion caused Britan and France to declare war on Germany two days later. -
Nazi Soviet Non-Aggression Pact End
The Nazi Soviet Non-Aggression Pact was broken when Nazi germany Attacked the Soviet Union