Interwar Period Timeline

  • Treaty of Versailles signed

    Treaty of Versailles signed
    The Treaty of Versailles brought WW1 to an end. They blamed Germany for causing WW1 and brought peace to other countries. It was the most important of all the peace treaties.
  • Mussolini becomes leader of Italy

    Mussolini becomes leader of Italy
    Mussolini became prime minister in 1922, then from 1925-1945 became the fascists dictator. He wanted control of the economy, and had a great belief in government ownership. He became Prime Minister because he declared he could restore order and give authority.
  • Stalin becomes leader of the Soviet Union

    Stalin becomes leader of the Soviet Union
    Years after Vladimir Lenin died, Stalin ended up becoming dictator of the Soviet Union. He was a very harsh man and most were scared of him. Stalin rose to the top of the Soviet Union using lots of manipulation and terror to destroy anyone that came in his way.
  • Hiters Munich Putsch

    Hiters Munich Putsch
    The beer hall putsch was an abortive attempt by Hitler and Ludendorff to start an insurrection in Germany against the Weimar Republic. This was from November 8-9 1923. After this Hitler was charged with high treason.
  • Japan invades Manchuria

     Japan invades Manchuria
    This happened from September 19 1931-February 27 1932. Japan had a highly developed industry but not enough natural resources they turned to Manchuria for oil, rubber, and lumber. Shortly after the war the Japanese established the puppet state of Manchukuo.
  • First concentration camp opens in Germany

    First concentration camp opens in Germany
    Adolf Hitler became the chancellor of Germany on January 30 1933, he opened the first concentration camp in the town of Dachau, just outside of Munich. Concentration camps over time became extremely deadly and all were shut down by 1945.
  • The Reichstag Fire

    The Reichstag Fire
    The Reichstag fire was the burning of the parliament building in Berlin, Germany. It was a huge event in the establishment of the Nazi dictatorship. Van Der Lubbe reportedly confessed to starting the fire.
  • Hitler becomes Fuhrer of Germany

    Hitler becomes Fuhrer of Germany
    He became chancellor in 1933 and then Fuhrer in 1934. During his dictatorship in 1934 he inittiated WW2 in Europe by invading Poland on September 1 1939. He was extremely close in military operations during world war 2.
  • The Reichstag passes the Nuremberg laws

    The Reichstag passes the Nuremberg laws
    The Nuremberg laws were racist and antisemitic laws in Nazi Germany. The laws were put in place September 15 1935 by the Reichstag at a special meeting convened during the annual Nuremberg Rally of the Nazi Party.
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    Italy invades Ethiopia
    Italy invading Ethiopia from October 3rd 1935 to February 27th 1937. The point of Italy invading Ethiopia was to boost Italian national prestige, which ended up being wounded by Ethiopia's defeat of Italian forces. This was a colonial war fought between only Italy and Ethiopia.
  • Hitler send troops into the Rhineland

    Hitler send troops into the Rhineland
    On March 7th German troops marched into the Rhineland because of the Treaty of Versailles. After the end of the first world war the Rhineland came under allied occupation. This really threw the European allies, especially France and Britain into a great confusion.
  • Spanish civil war

    Spanish civil war
    The Spanish civil war happened from July 17th 1936 to April 1st 1939. This war was caused by many things such as poverty and inequality, although, the main reason was from sides failure to compromise and to respect the rights and opinions of other people. On March 28th 1939 Franco finally took victory.
  • Nazi Germany and Fascists Italy form the Rome-Berlin Axis Treaty

      Nazi Germany and Fascists Italy form the Rome-Berlin Axis Treaty
    In November of 1936 Benito Mussolini declared that every other European countries would rotate on the Rome-Berlin axis, thus creating the term "Axis". The second step to all this was anti-communist treaty between Germany and Japan.
  • Japan commits the “Rape of Nanjing”

    Japan commits the “Rape of Nanjing”
    The rape of Nanjing also known as the massacre of Nanjing was a major episode of mass killings and rape committed by Imperial Japan troops against the residents of Nanjing, and then the capital of China. Finally November 13th 2013 former Japanese prime minister Hatoyama Yukio offered a formal personal apology for what his country had did in past times.
  • Germany and Austria join the "Anschluss"

    Germany and Austria join the "Anschluss"
    On March 12th German troops marched into Austria to annex the German-speaking nation for the third Reich. Austria had always existed as only a Federal state of Germany until the very end of WW2, but then when the allied powers declared the Anschluss void and had reestablished an independent Austria
  • Munich Conference grants Hitler control of the Sudetenland

    Munich Conference grants Hitler control of the Sudetenland
    The conference was held in Munich from September 28th to 29th, during this time Great Britain, France, and Italy accepted Germany to the annex certain area of Czech. This conference came as a result of very long episodes of negotiations.
  • Kristallnacht

    The Kristallnacht was a major massacre against Jewish people carried out by the SA paramilitary forces and the civilians throughout Nazi Germany. This massacre went on from November 9th - 10th 1938. Over 91 people died during this strike against Jews and the German authorities went on without even intervening.
  • Hitler sends troops into Czech to annex the whole country

     Hitler sends troops into Czech to annex the whole country
    Hitler sends German troops into the Czechoslovakia. This caused the German troops taking over Bohemia, and established a protective right over Slovakia. In the end this all roved that Hitler had been lying at Munich.
  • Hitler and Stalin announce the Nazi-Soviet Non-Agression pact

    Hitler and Stalin announce the Nazi-Soviet Non-Agression pact
    This non aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union was concluded only a few days before the beginning of WW2. Some of the rules to this pact were they were not allowed to attack each other, not to support any other pact that might attack the other, and not to join any group of powers directly or indirectly threatening one of the other two parties.
  • Hitler/Nazis invade Poland

    Hitler/Nazis invade Poland
    Germany invaded Poland to take back lost territory and rule their neighbour to the east. This invasion lasted from September 1st 1939 through to October 6th 1939. The result was that the German-Soviet had taken victory.