Period: to
Interwar Period
Weimar Republic is put into place
Germany’s set up a new democratic government in 1919, known as the Weimar Republic. The Weimer Republic was blamed by millions of Germans for postwar humiliation caused by the Versailles Treaty. -
Mussolini founded the Fascist Party
With economic conditions worsening in Italy, Mussolini's popularity rapidly increased. Mussolini promised to rescue Italy by reviving its economy and rebuilding its armed forces. Mussilini gained many followers and with followers came greater power. -
Mussolini as Il Duce
30,000 Fascists marched on Rome demanding that King Victor Emmanuel III put Mussolini in charge of the government. After doing so Mussilini destroyed democracy and outlawed all political parties except the Fascists. -
The Great Depression and Financial Collapse
During the late 1920's many European countries economies were relying on on the United States economy. When the American economy collapsed the European countries economies collapsed as well creating terrible living conditions for millions. -
Hitler becomes Chancellor
By 1932, the Nazis had become the largest political party in Germany. Hitler used his new power to turn Germany into a totalitarian state in which he used his power to eliminate all of his enemies and communists. -
New Deal
After being elected in 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt began a program of government reform that he called the New Deal, to improve the economy. The New Deal did eventually reform the American economic system. -
Mussolini Attacks Ethiopia
The Ethiopians had successfully resisted the Italians during the 1890s. To avenge their defeat Mussolini ordered a massive invasion of Ethiopia. Ethiopian spears and swords were no match for the advanced Italian weaponry. -
Germany occupies Rhineland.
After German troops moved into the Rhineland. The French were stunned and unwilling to risk war. The British urged appeasement, giving in to an aggressor to keep peace, and the Germans got back their land without a fight. -
The Munich Conference
France and Britain were preparing for war when Mussolini proposed a meeting of Germany, France, Britain, and Italy. Britian and France were determined to keep peace while Germany and Italy did not feel the same way. Just a few months after the Munich meeting, Hitler took Czechoslovakia and,Mussolini seized Albania. -
Night of the Broken Glass
The Nazis blamed jews for the troubles since the war, leading to a wave of anti-Semitism across Germany. On the night of November 9, 1938, Nazi mobs attacked Jews in their homes and on the streets and destroyed thousands of Jewish-owned buildings called the night of broken glass.