Interwar Period Timeline

By hfried
  • Treaty of Versailles is signed

    Treaty of Versailles is signed
    The Treaty of Versailles was signed at the Palace of Versailles in Paris following World War 1. It states terms between Germany and the victorious allies. The treaty held Germany responsible for starting the war and harsh penalties were dealt out such as loss of territory, larger reparation payments, and demilitarization of Germany.
  • The Weimar Republic is established in Germany

    The Weimar Republic is established in Germany
    The Weimar Republic was Germany's government from 1919 to 1939. From a uncertain beginning to a brief time of success, then a devastating depression this chaos led the way for Hitler and the Nazi Party to take power.
  • The League of Nation is created

    The League of Nation is created
    the League of Nations was an international diplomatic group created after WW1 as a way to settle disputes between countries before they resulted in war.
  • French occupation of the Ruhr

    French occupation of the Ruhr
    The French occupation of the Rhur took place when Germany failed to make the reparation payments required. The Rhur was an important industry area of Germany close to the border of France. The Rhur was also home to many coalfields that were vital to Germany's industrial sector and were vital in helping to produce its reparation payments.
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    Adolf Hitler and his followers staged a Beer Hall Putsch in Munich. This was a failed attempt to take over the government in a southern state in Germany. Hitler led the Nazi Party, who held beliefs that didn't agree with the terms of the treaty of Versailles. In the aftermath of this failed putsch, Hitler was found guilty of treason and sent to prison for 5 years.
  • The Dawes Plan is created

    The Dawes Plan is created
    This was a plan that the United States came up with to help Germany with its reparation payments. The US would loan Germany money which it would use to rebuild its economy and pay the money owed to France and Britain. In return France would remove its troops from the Rhur. This plan eventually failed due to the Great Depression and left Germany bankrupt.
  • Benito Mussolini becomes dictator of Italy

    Benito Mussolini becomes dictator of Italy
    Benito Mussolini became the dictator of Italy. Mussolini ad his followers eliminated all opposition and terrorized the people and the king into letting him come to power. This was a huge inspiration for Hitler.
  • The Locarno Treaties are signed

    The Locarno Treaties are signed
    These treaties were a series of agreements between Germany and the Allies that allowed Germany to rebuild and recover from WW1 and the allies would have friendly relations with Germany as long as they promised not to go to war again. This allowed Hitler to gain power and without the allies interfering.
  • The Kellogg-Briand Pact is signed

    The Kellogg-Briand Pact is signed
    This wa an agreement between many countries that they would refrain from using war as a means to solve disputes. Nations involved were United States, Germany, France, and Britain.
  • Beginning of the Great Depression

    Beginning of the Great Depression
    The Stock market crash in 1929 triggered a world wide economic crisis known as the Great Depression. Many people were unemployed and the nations were experiencing a crisis, which allowed for dictators, such as Mussolini and Hitler, to easily come into power.
  • Japan invaded Manchuria

    Japan invaded Manchuria
    Japan was also experiencing economic crisis, so this led to Japan invading Manchuria, a region of China, for its coal and iron. This event ultimately proved the effectiveness of the League of Nations.
  • Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany
    The naming of Hitler as the Chancellor of Germany was a desperate attempt of the German president to stabilize Germany's unstable political climate. This event gave way to Hitler rearming Germany's military and turned Germany into a dictatorship with him as their leader.
  • Italy invaded Ethiopia

    Italy invaded Ethiopia
    Benito Mussolini led the Italian invasion of Ethiopia to establish a Italian empire and gain more necessary resources for Italy. This further proved the ineffectiveness of the League of nations.
  • Germany reoccupied the Rhineland

    Germany reoccupied the Rhineland
    Under the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was not allowed to reoccupy the Rhineland. In violation of this, Germany marched its troops into the Rhineland.
  • Creation of the Rome-Berlin Axis

    Creation of the Rome-Berlin Axis
    Germany and Italy both signed an agreement to support each other, which was named the Rome-Berlin Axis. Germany, Italy, and their allies were known as the Axis Powers.
  • Creation of the Anti-Comintern Pact

    Creation of the Anti-Comintern Pact
    Germany and Japan both signed an anti-communist agreement that both countries would fight against countries hat practices communism, such as the Soviet Union.
  • Germany’s anschluss with Austria

    Germany’s anschluss with Austria
    The term anschluss refers to the uniting of Germanic-speaking peoples in Germany and Austria after WW1. Hitler believed that because both Germany and Austria spoke a common language that they should be united, which was forbidden under the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Signing of the Munich Agreement

    Signing of the Munich Agreement
    After annexing with Austria, Hitlers plan was to next annex with Czechoslovakia. Both Hitler and Mussolini entered into an agreement with France and Britain that allowed Hitler to occupy the German speaking parts of Czechoslovakia known as Sudetenland. This was only possible if Hitler agreed to stop annexing new territories.
  • Germany occupied Czechoslovakia

    Germany occupied Czechoslovakia
    Germany then annexed not only the German speaking portions of Czechoslovakia, but all of Czechoslovakia. This was in violation of the Munich Agreement but Britain didn't respond.
  • Creation of the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

    Creation of the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
    Hitler had big aspirations to occupy more of Europe, but to do this he needed to enter into a non-aggression agreement with the Soviet Union. This agreement stated they would to fight each other.
  • Britain declared war on Germany

    Britain declared war on Germany
    After the invasion of Poland, Britain had realize that its attempts to maintain peace had failed and had no choice but to make a stand against the aggression of Germany.
  • September 1, 1939 - Germany invaded Poland

    September 1, 1939 - Germany invaded Poland
    Hitler wanted to also annex Poland. He made an agreement with Joseph Stalin (leader of the Soviet Union) to divide Poland between the two countries. Soon after Germany invaded Poland.