Perodo de entreguerras 1 728

Interwar period in Spain

  • End of the First World War

    End of the First World War
    In November 1918, the the interwar period began with the end of the First World War. This event was identified by a big happiness because the war finished
  • Period: to

    Primo de Rivera´s dictatorship

    The General Captain Miguel Primo de Rivera made a coup in September 1923 starting a dictatorship.
  • Begining of the republic

    Begining of the republic
    A democratic politic system called the Second Republic began in Spain in April 1931
  • Franco´s dictatorship

    Franco´s dictatorship
    Francisco Franco´s dictatorship started. It finished in 1975
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    The military forces made a coup to erradicate the Second Republic and a civil war started.
  • Begining of the Second World War

    Begining of the Second World War
    The interwar period ends with the begining of the Second World War.
    This event was sad and people were dissapointed because another great war began.