Interwar Period

  • Versailles Treaty

    Versailles Treaty
    The goal of this peace treaty was to punish and limit Germany's power, such as limiting the army to 100,000 men, to prevent the gain of power again. It held Germany responsible for all the destruction and chaos caused by the war. It was created to establish peace, and the treaty ultimately ended the war.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    The League of Nations was an organization meant to settle problems between countries, preventing more wars from breaking out. It encouraged the idea that War is a crime against everyone, not just those directly involved. Although it helped some conflicts, the League failed because it could not defend the Treaty, and it couldn't stop powerful countries from fighting.
  • Communist International

    Communist International
    The Communist International, also known as the Third International, was a organization that pushed world communism. The goal of this organization was to abandon world capitalism, and to set up communism, through force and violence. The Russian communist party had a dominant role in the party.
  • Fascism In Italy

    Fascism In Italy
    Mussolini establishes the nationalist Fasci di Combattimento, or the Fighting Bands, in Italy. This Fascist Party supported Italy nationalism, achieved through terror and violence. He set up a totalitarian form of government, which meant that the state had total control of every individual. Italians supported these ideas put foward by Mussolini because they were tired of the sense of failure in Italy, and no nationalism.
  • Period: to

    Hopeful Years

    Major agreements settle in European nations, easing the tension. Germany is admitted to League of Nations, and countries start recovering from the war.
  • Stalin comes to power in Russia

    Stalin comes to power in Russia
    Stalin comes to power after Lenin, and furthers industrialization and transportation in Russia. Stalin uses brutal force and fear to further his ideas, while also eliminating any opposers. Stalin abolishes any form of free speech or free thinking, and replaces it with his propaganda of total state control.
  • Depression

    The stock market crashes in the US, causing the Great Depression. This caused a chain reaction, that also affects the European countries dependent on the US loans, recovering from war.
  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    Japan Invades Manchuria
    In 1931, Japan claimed Chinese soldiers had attacked their railways and the army, which is thought of as an excuse to invade Manchuria. In result, Japan invaded Manchuria, which the Chinese soldiers didn't fight back.
  • Third Reich

    Third Reich
    Hitler rose to power through a strong dictatorship, and asserted violent control on Germany. Hitler enforced Nazi ideology throughout Germany, and soon split the country.
  • Germany goes alone

    Germany goes alone
    Due to Hitlers rule and the Third Reich, Germany is removed from league of nations, and many conferences, causing Germany to prosper on its own.