Interwar period

  • End of ww1

    End of ww1
    the Armistice of Compiègne was signed, ending hostilities on the western front and marking the end of the war.
  • Formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

    Formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
    the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was officially established, consolidating several socialist republics, including Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Transcaucasia. Lenin was the main leader during this time.
  • Cracle of ny stop of market

    Cracle of ny stop of market
    known as "Black Thursday" or "Black Monday", marked the beginning of the Great Depression. On that day, the New York Stock Exchange experienced a massive collapse in stock prices, resulting in financial panic and massive loss of wealth for many investors.
  • Hitler konder ascent

    Hitler konder ascent
    Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany by President Paul von Hindenburg. This event marked the beginning of the Nazi regime in Germany, which would have significant consequences in the following years.
  • Booming of spanish civil war

    Booming of spanish civil war
    It began on July 17 with a military coup led by Francisco Franco against the Republican government. The war attracted international attention and became a testing ground for military tactics and weaponry.
  • ww2 starts

    ww2 starts
    World War II began with the German invasion of Poland. The United Kingdom and France declared war on Germany. The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was signed between the Soviet Union and Germany. Japan continued its expansion into Asia. Albert Einstein fled to the United States.
  • End of ww2

    End of ww2
    The unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany was signed on May 7, 1945 and came into effect on May 8, marking the Allied victory in Europe and the end of World War II in that theater of operations (Victory in Europe Day).