Interwar Period

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    Kingdome of Yugoslavia

    During World War I there was great pressure to unite the Southern Slavs of Europe--the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, and form a nation whose slogan would be "Brotherhood and Unity." Ideologically this may have seemed appropriate since all are descendants of Slavs who settled the southeastern region of Europe and are therefore regarded as an immediate ethnic family. However, that is the extent of the similarities between these three groups of people. There is no one universal language or religion.
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    Second Polish Republic

    The Second Polish Republic, Second Commonwealth of Poland or interwar Poland refers to Poland between the two world wars; a period in Polish history in which Poland was restored as an independent state. Officially known as the Republic of Poland or the Commonwealth of Poland, the Polish state was created in 1918, in the aftermath of World War I. It continued to exist until 1939, despite both internal and external pressures, when Poland was invaded by Nazi Germany.
  • Treaty of St. Germaine

    Treaty of St. Germaine
    This treaty affected Eastern European nations by dissolving the Austro-Hungarian Empire. “The Allied and Associated Governments affirm and Austria accepts the responsibility of Austria and her Allies for causing the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Austria-Hungary and her Allies.” info and image-http://pagesforww1treaties.wikispaces.com/Treaty+of+St.+Germaine
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    Polish Lithuanian War

    The Polish–Lithuanian War was an armed conflict between newly independent Lithuania and Poland in the aftermath of World War I. The conflict primarily concerned territorial control of the Vilnius Region, including Vilnius, and the Suwałki Region, including the towns of Suwałki, Augustów, and Sejny. The conflict was largely shaped by the progress in the Polish–Soviet War and international efforts to mediate at the Conference of Ambassadors and later the League of Nations.
  • Treaty of Neuilly

    Treaty of Neuilly
    This treaty mainly affected Bulgaria because it required them to cede the western Thrace and because of this, it cut Bulgaria off from the Aegean Sea. It also forced the Bulgarians to give up a further area of 990 square miles on the western border of Bulgaria. They were forced to diminish their army to only 20,000 men and had to pay 100 million euros in war damages. Info and image-http://pagesforww1treaties.wikispaces.com/Treaty+of+Neuilly
  • Treaty of Trianon

    Treaty of Trianon
    This treaty affected eastern European nations by regulating the Hungarians and showed their borders. Before Trianon Hungary had 72% less territory, and its area was 35,936 sq. mi, while the area of the pre-war Kingdom of Hungary was 125,642 sq. mi. Picture found http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Trianon Info found from http://pagesforww1treaties.wikispaces.com/Treaty+of+Trianon
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    Kingdom of Hungary

    Existed from 1000 to 1918, and then from 1920 to 1946, was a state and at times a major power in Central Europe. Situated between East and West and a significant player in the Balkans it often took the brunt of invasion and conquest. In 1241, it fell to the Mongol invasion of Europe but recovered independence when the Mongols withdrew. From 1541 until 1699 Hungary was divided between the Ottoman Empire and Austria. It is a predecessor state of the Republic of Hungary.
  • Bulgarian Coup d'etat of 1923

    Bulgarian Coup d'etat of 1923
    It overthrew the government of the bulgarian agrarian National union and replaced it with one under Aleksander Tsankov. "In several places, the coup met with the opposition of agrarian activists and individual communist volunteers, an event known in Bulgarian historiography as the June Uprising." The june uprising was unorganized at best considering it lacked leadership. info and image found http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulgarian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat_of_1923
  • War of the Stray Dog

    War of the Stray Dog
    Apparently a Greek soldier ran after his dog and this soldier was shot. Because of this the greeks sent commands over to the bulgarians stating: The punishment of the Bulgarian commanders of the troops that shot the Greek soldiers. Official apology from the Bulgarian Kingdom's government for the incident.Six million Drachmas as compensation for the families. Info found http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_the_Stray_Dog image found with clip art
  • Iron Guard of Romania founded

    Iron Guard of Romania founded
    It was founded by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu as the Legion of the Archangel Michael. They wore Green uniforms and greeted each other with a roman salute. It differed from other Fascist movements in that it was based in students and peasants.On December 10, 1933, the Romanian Liberal Prime Minister Ion Duca banned the Iron Guard. And in retaliation to torture and murder he was assasinated by iron guard members. image and info-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Guard
  • German Polish Non Agression Pact

    German Polish Non Agression Pact
    An international treaty between Nazi Germany and the Second Polish Republic signed on January 26, 1934. According to the Pact, both countries pledged to resolve their problems through bilateral negotiations and to forgo armed conflict for a period of ten years. It effectively normalized relations between Poland and Germany, which were previously strained by border disputes arising from the territorial settlement in the Treaty of Versailles.http://www.memrise.com/item/1109750/german-polish-non-a
  • 1934 Balkan Pact

    1934 Balkan Pact
    A mutual-defense agreement between Greece, Turkey, Romania, and Yugoslavia, intended to guarantee the signatories’ territorial integrity and political independence against attack by another Balkan state (i.e., Bulgaria or Albania). The agreement provided for a Permanent Council, composed of the members’ foreign ministers, that would coordinate legislation and foster economic cooperation.http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/50273/Balkan-Entente
  • Signing of Munich Agreement

    Signing of Munich Agreement
    Chamberlain and French Prime Minister Daladier, unprepared for the outbreak of hostilities, traveled to Munich, where they gave in to Hitler's demands on September 30.Daladier abhorred the Munich Pact's appeasement of the Nazis, but Chamberlain was elated and even stayed behind in Munich to sign a single-page document with Hitler that he believed assured the future of Anglo-German peace.http://www.johndclare.net/RoadtoWWII5_Munich_Agreement.htm
  • Slovak Hungarian War

    Slovak Hungarian War
    On 23 Mar 1939, Hungarian troops crossing the border largely surprised Slovakian troops, penetrating the border. The Slovakian Air Force, however, was slightly better prepared and was able to launch a bombing run on the Hungarian cities of Roznava, Mukacheve, and Uzhorod, causing minor damage. Nevertheless, Hungarians won the air war during the conflict, as 11 Slovakian aircraft were destroyed at the cost of no Hungarian aircraft.http://ww2db.com/battle_spec.php?battle_id=231
  • Italian invasion of Albania

    Italian invasion of Albania
    Italian troops invaded Albania just before the start of WW2. The resistance was very ineffective against the italians and after a short lived defense they occupied albania. On the 9th only two days after the invasion the albanian king Zog the first ran away to greece. After that albania was led by an italian Victor Emmanuel the 3rd as a King. Info and image found- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albanian_Kingdom_(1939â1943)
  • German Invasion of Poland

    German Invasion of Poland
    The National Socialisrs gained control of Germany and wantd to get lost land back so in order to do that they had to invade poland so they could get the border and countries that they wanted back. Germany had a very large advantage over Poland and had a large military going in to the conflict the aircraft that the german airforce had played a big part of the war.Info/image- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasion_of_Poland
  • Iron Guard of Romania

    Iron Guard of Romania
    Two months after General Ion Antonescu seized power in Romania and forced King Carol II to abdicate, Antonescu's Iron Guard arrests and executes more than 60 aides of the exiled king, including Nicolae Iorga, a former minister and acclaimed historian. The extreme right-wing movement known as the Iron Guard was founded by Corneliu Codreanu in the 1920s, imitating Germany's Nazi Party in both ideology and methods.http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/iron-guard-massacres-former-romanian-gover
  • German Invasion of Jugoslavia

    German Invasion of Jugoslavia One of the most successful operations for the Italian military during WWII was its role in the invasion of Yugoslavia in April of 1941. The attack was one half of an ambitious plan by the Axis powers to simultaneously conquer Greece and Yugoslavia, and thus seize control of the western Balkans. Most of the attention from the Yugoslavian portion of the conflict has centered on Germany’s role, and their drive to capture Belgrade. http://planetcoh.gamespy.
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    Hungarian Romanian War

    The Hungarian-Romanian War was a military conflict fought between the Kingdom of Romania and Kingdom of Hungary between March 1, 1958 and June 15, 1960 over the disputed territory of Transylvania, which was ceded to Hungary in the Vienna Awards in 1940. When Hungary in 1940 demanded the concession of Transylvanian territory from Romania, tensions rose between Hungary and Romania, and a war was avoided when the German Führer Adolf Hitler helped Hungary with receiving significant portions.
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    Polish Soviet War

    One of the most easily overlooked, yet momentous short wars of the 20th century was the swift-moving clash between the post-World War I Polish Republic and Russia's brand-new Bolshevik regime of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Reaching a climax during the summer of 1920, the Russo-Polish War is often regarded as the final episode of the Russian Civil War.