
  • WW1 Ending

    WW1 Ending
    WW1 ended at 11am on the 11th of November 1918. The day became know was Armistice day, and was the day Germany signed the peace agreement which caused all the fighting to stop. Germany went on to the Treaty of Versailles, which shocked Germany because they had to take full responsibility for the war and pay 132 “gold marks” for the repairs, ultimately causing Germany to become poor.
  • Mein Kampf

    Mein Kampf
    Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, a book about his struggles, which he wrote while imprisoned to what he considered “political crimes”. The book was edited by his deputy Rudlof Hess.
  • Wall Street crash

    Wall Street crash
    On Tuesday the 29th October the Wall Street stock market crashed, which followed into the Great Depression. Bank failures followed and many businesses were shutting down. Stock prices did not reach the same level until late 1954.
  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    Hitler Becomes Chancellor
    On the 30th of January, 1933, Hitler was sworn in by German President Paul von Hindenburg as chancellor of Germany. Already after being elected, Hitler began to make demands such as ordering a mass expansion of State Police and more, fully comprised of Nazis. To make sure von Hindenburg’s party wouldn’t arise and that Hitler had no way of being stopped by anyone.
  • Rome-Berlin Axis Treaty

    Rome-Berlin Axis Treaty
    The Rome-Berlin axis was formed by Italy and Germany. It linked the two fascist countries together and promised to support eachother during the second world ward which they both knew was coming. Later on, Japan will join the war.
  • Anti-Communism

    The anti-Comintern pact was an “anti-communist” pact formed by Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan (later to be joined by several other fascist countries). The pact was directed a lot at Russia as they were a communist country.
  • Second sino-Japanese war

    Second sino-Japanese war
    The second sino-Japanese war was a military conflict between the Republic of China and the Empire of Japan from July 7th 1937, to September 2nd 1945. It began with a dispute between the Marco Polo bridge incident, which escalated a battle between Chinese and Japanese troops.
  • Annexing Austria

    Annexing Austria
    On March 12th, German troops marched into Austria to annex the German speaking country. Hitler accompanied the German troops and were met with enthusiastic faces of Austrian citizens. They appointed a new nazi government and on March 13th the Anschluss was proclaimed and Austria existed as a federal state of Germany.