Treaty of Versailles Signed
The Treaty of Versailles was a treaty that was created to punish Germany. Germany lost all of the land that they had gained in the war, and forced Germany to accept all the blame for World War One. The League of Nations was formed because of the Treaty of Versailles. -
League of Nations Established
The League of Nations was a treaty made by Woodrow Wilson. It's purpose was to negotiate agreements between nations that were in conflict instead of them both going to war. It was later remade into the United Nations. -
Benito Mussolini Takes Power in Italy
Benito Mussolini overthrew the government in Italy. Any rivals that he had he got rid of (killed). He wanted to become like Caesar and have a big empire. -
Stock Market Crash in the United States
Because of World War One, there was a stock market crash in the United States. From 1929 to 1933 it was quite bad. In 1933 it got better. -
Japan Invades Manchuria
Japan was expansionist. They wanted to set up a puppet government in Manchuria so they wrecked their own railroad. This allowed them to blame it on the Chinese workers so that they would have an excuse to invade. -
Hitler Appointed Chancellor of Germany
Hitler campaigned, saying that he would help Germany with it's economic problems. Over thirty million Germans voted for Hitler. They didn't know what a bad idea that was. -
Italy Invades Ethiopia
Italy wanted to expand their land. They also wanted full access to the Mediterranean sea, so they invaded Ethiopia when they were weak. Abyssinia went to the League of Nations, but the League of Nations didn't want to upset Italy. -
Germany Reoccupied the Rhineland
Germany reoccupied the Rhineland, even though it was against T of V, and no one cared because they either were suffering from the Great Depression, or they felt sorry for Germany. Germany got away with it. -
Germany's Anshluss with Austria
Hitler wanted to annex with Austria. He held a national referendum to see if that is what they wanted, and then came into Austria the next day before the votes were counted. The votes ended up saying yes. -
Munich Agreement
Britain and Germany signed the Munich agreement. Hitler took Sudetenland, with the promise that he would stop his expansion plan. Czechoslovakia got angry because Britain was supposed to protect them. -
Germany Occupies Czechoslovakia
Following the Munich Pact, Hitler took the rest of Czechoslovakia. Hitler was allowed, because people believed he would stop after he got what he wanted. Also they wanted to avoid war. -
Germany Invades Poland
Hitler and Stalin signed the Nazi-Pact, which said that they would not attack each other. This gave Hitler the chance to attack Poland without Stalin getting scared and attacking Hitler while he was busy. Stalin was relieved because he had no military after he killed off most of them in the Great Purge.