On the 20th of November, 1948, Diane Kloster was born. -
Korean War Begins
The Korean War began with Kim Il-sung seeking Stalin's support for an invasion in March of 1949. Stalin didn't believe it was time for a war because American troops were in South Korea. By spring of 1950, he believed that it was time for an invasion into South Korea. Throughout 1949 to 1950 the Soviets continued to aid North Korea, and once the war in China was over, Chinese forces joined the fray. The fighting continued until the divide of Korea in 1953. -
Brown vs. Board of Education
Wikipedia Brown vs. Board of Education The Brown vs. Board of Education case in 1954 overruled the Plessy vs. Ferguson court case, the surpreme court stating that seperate but equal was not possible. However, the cases 14 pages of notes were very vauge as to HOW to desegregate schools, saying only that it must be done at a deliberate speed. Many cities in the south resisted, as did some of the north, and though it was now legal, desegregation took at least 10 years to even be implimented at all. -
Explore I Launch
The US satellite program began in 1954, and following the launch of Spitnick I fromt he Soviet Union, the Explore program was revived. Explore I was the first satellite the US ever sent into space. -
First Day of High School
First date
On the 28th of April in 1965, Diane had her first date at prom. -
Graduated high school
On the 28th of June, 1966, Diane Kloster graduated from high school. -
Started College
On the 28th of November, 1966, Diane Kloster began college. -
Outer Space Treaty
The Outer Space Treaty caused any weapons or things of a harmful manner being outlawed in space, on the moon or in orbit of Earth. the treaty also forbids there to be military bases or training in space. Additionally, it caused all claims to planets etc to be null, since things in space were viewed as something to be shared. -
Drivers Liscense
Diane Kloster got her drivers liscense on the 28th of January in 1967. -
Kenndy Brothers Assasinated
John F. Kennedy was assasinated while traveling in Texas during his relection campaign. Others were wounded in the attack, but none of them died. Later during Robert F. Kennedy's election campaign in Los Angeles he was fatally shot in the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel, dying less than 24 hours later. -
Got Married
On the 8th of June, 1968, Diane Kloster married Don Kloster. -
Civil Rights March on Washington D.C.
Though planning for the March on Washington started far earlier, the actual march occured on the 28th of August, 1968. Many groups including the NAACP and others put aside differences to organize the March on Washington. In addition for it being a march for colored people, it was a march for the poor, and the disabled, many who were often left out of civil rights at that time. -
First Moon Landing
The Apollo program was created, in summary, to best the Solviets in some way after Sputnick I was the first thing manmade in space to orbit Earth. The first manned flight was completed in 1968. On Apollo 11, the first man set foot on the moon, Neil Armstrong. -
First child
One the 28th of January, 1971, Diane Kloster had her first child, Deanna Kloster. -
Kent University Shooting
On May 4th, 1970 at Kent University, the Ohio National Guard fired shots into a crowd of peaceful protesters at a sound they believed was gunfire. The shots killed four students and wounded nine others. Some of the people shot were Cambodian War protesters, the rest simple passerbyers. Many students at schools around the world went on strike after this shooting. -
Vietnam peace treaty
On the 27th of January in 1976 four peace pacts with Vietnam were signed by the US in Paris, France. The announcement of the end of the draft also happened on this date, and all US troops would leave Vietname by March 29, 1976. -
Mount Saint Helens Eruption
On May 18th, 1980 Mount Saint Helens in Washington state erupted. This eruption is known as the most destructive in the US as of currently. The eruption destroyed 250 homes, 47 bridges, and 15 miles of highways, not to mention the 57 people killed. -
Challenger Explodes
The space ship Challenger was the second orbiting space craft for NASA. It launched and landed properly 9 times, before breaking down mere seconds before its 10th launch. All seven of the crew died, and one civilian.