Internet Timeline

By skd4
  • Jan 1, 1450

    Alphabetic, movable type printing press invented by Johann Gutenberg

    Alphabetic, movable type printing press invented by  Johann Gutenberg
  • Period: Jan 1, 1450 to

    Internet Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1510

    Pocket watch invented by Peter Henlein

    Pocket watch invented by  Peter Henlein
  • Thermometer invented by Galileo Galilei

    Thermometer invented by  Galileo Galilei
  • Telescope invented by Hans Lippershey

    Telescope invented by  Hans Lippershey
  • Newton, Principia: Newton’s physics formed the foundation of modern science

    Newton, Principia: Newton’s physics formed the foundation of modern science
  • Franklin stove invented by Benjamin Franklin

    Franklin stove invented by  Benjamin Franklin
  • Hot air balloon invented by Montgolfier brothers

    Hot air balloon invented by  Montgolfier brothers
  • Steamboat invented by John Fitch

    Steamboat invented by  John Fitch
  • Vaccination invented by Edward Jenner

    Vaccination invented by  Edward Jenner
  • Braille invented by Louis Braille

    Braille invented by  Louis Braille
  • Sewing machine invented by Elias Howe

    Sewing machine invented by  Elias Howe
  • First skyscraper built in Chicago (ten stories)

    First skyscraper built in Chicago (ten stories)
  • Roentgen discovers X-rays

    Roentgen discovers X-rays
  • The atomic bomb

    The atomic bomb
  • The moon landing – Neil Armstrong sets foot on the moon

    The moon landing – Neil Armstrong sets foot on the moon
  • Digital satellite radio invented

    Digital satellite radio invented
  • The first draft of the human genome is completed

    The first draft of the human genome is completed
  • Facebook is launched

    Facebook is launched
  • The original iPhone invented

    The original iPhone invented
  • 3D T.V. starts to become more widely available

    3D T.V. starts to become more widely available