Internet marketing success11

Internet Marketing

  • World Wide Web is invented

    World Wide Web is invented
    Tim Berners-Lee invents the World Wide Web while working at CERN, the European Particle Physics Laboratory.
  • NetScape

    Andreesen and Clark start NetScape.
  • Hotwire site hosts ads

    Hotwire site hosts ads
    HotWired site launches with ads from AT&T, Sprint, MCI, Volvo, and others.
  • pathfinder tests ads

    pathfinder tests ads
    Time-Warner launches Pathfinder with test ads from AT&T.
  • WebConnect

    WebConnect is designed based on a direct response marketing model. Roy Schwedelson and Jay Schwedelson return from COMDEX with initial concepts on a banner ad placement service.
  • Prodigy launched

    Prodigy launched
    Prodigy is the first commercial online service to offer Internet access to its subscribers.
  • ESPN pitches ads

    ESPN pitches ads
    ESPN aggressively pitches advertisers on $1 million charter sponsorships of its future Web site and additional online properties
  • WebConnect upgrades

    WebConnect upgrades
    WebConnect creates and offers accurate measurement tools to advertisers. Private URL's created to track Impression and Click-Through rates. New ad management technologies support animated GIF's, banner rotation, and CGI/Pearl scripting.
  • AT & T launches campaign

    AT & T launches campaign
    An ad campaign featuring animated banners is launched by AT&T
  • Time Inc. New Media

    Time Inc. New Media
    Time Inc. New Media agrees to syndicate some Pathfinder content on the Web site for the AT&T WorldNet Service