Launch of Sputnik
Sputnik was the first artificial satelite to be launched by Russia in 1957. This little satellite was about the size of a beach ball. It weighed about 184 pounds and it moved at a rapid speed which let it orbit around the Earth in 98 minutes. More information from <a href='http://history.nasa.gov/sputnik/' target="_blank">NASA</a> -
<a target="_blank" href='http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blARPA-DARPA.htm' >A.R.P.A</a> was an organization that the U.S. created to help "catch up" with the Russians. It stood for Advanced Research Projects Agency. -
Bob Taylor and the Network
Bob Taylor was the first man to have the idea to hook all the computers together so he didn't have to get up and go to different teminals to communicate with different colleges. -
Packet Switching Network
<a target="_blank" href='http://www.princeton.edu/~achaney/tmve/wiki100k/docs/Packet_switching.html' >Packet switching</a> is a method used instead of sending information in all one big set on information, it is broken up into smaller parts which are called packets. They held 4 types of information. 1: The information itself. 2: The address to where its going. 3: The address of where it came from. 4: Which order the packets go in. ARPANET was the very first packet switching network. -
An IMP is kinda what makes the network work and run properly. It is the thing that reads where the information is supposed to go and sends it on its way for a router to make sure it gets there. -
Ray Tomlinson
<a target="_blank" href='http://inventors.about.com/od/estartinventions/a/email.htm' >Ray Tomlinson </a>was the man that created the first email program. The first email was sent to a computer right next to the other and the email said QWERTYUIOP. -
Once A.R.P.A. this agency turned changed to <a href='http://www.darpa.mil/About/History/History.aspx' target="_blank">D.A.R.P.A.</a> This just added Defense to the beginning. -
Marc Anderson
Marc Anderson invented the first web browser that he named <a target="_blank"href='http://www.ncsa.illinois.edu/Projects/mosaic.html' >Mosaic.</a> Later it was changed to Netscape. -
Amazon is an Amercican international electronic commerce company and is the worlds largest online retailer. On this site you can find many things such as kindle fires or apps for the device. -
Ebay is a site where you can go to buy and sell goods. A lot of things can be found on the site from cars and antiques to clothes and shoes. -
<a target="_blank" href='http://www.facebook.com' >Facebook</a> is a social media site where people share what they are doing or where they are going. With around 1.1 billion users, Facebook is the top social media site. -
<a target="_blank" href='http://www.youtube.com' >YouTube</a> is a video sharing website that can be used for many things such as education, listening to your favorite music or even how to draw and play an instrament. It can also be used for pretty much any tutuorial. -
Twitter is a $17 billion social media site that enables peoplet read tweets that are limited to 140 characters. Twitter has approximately 554,750,000 users. Each piece of information that is sent out on Twitter is called a tweet. This is how most celebrities interact with their fans. Sign Up HERE! -
Tim Burners Lee
<a target="_blank" href='http://inventors.about.com/od/istartinventions/a/internet.htm' >Tim Burners Lee</a> was the man with the idea to give everything a name and create what we call links. This way all we have to do is clink on the link and it leads us where we want to go instead of having to know all the codes to get to that site.