
Internet History in My Lifetime

  • Development of AOL

    Development of AOL
    AOL was founded. It is significant to my timeline because it was the fist dial-up system I personally had in my home. I remember waiting for ever and listening to that dial up sound...ugh!! So annoying.
  • Creation of the World Wide Web

    Creation of the World Wide Web
    Tim Berners-Lee 'invented' the WWW. This is a significant milestone in my lifetime as it began to give access to information and resources that would readily be available forever.
  • Apple II Computer

    Apple II Computer
    Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs announce the Apple II computer. The Tandy TRS-80 and Commodore Pet are also introduced. This began the consumer and small business markets for computers.
  • Windows 98 Released

    Windows 98 Released
    My first laptop had Windows 98.
  • My first iPhone

    My first iPhone
    I got the first iPhone in 2007! It totally changed the way I communicate today.