International Trade History

  • 5000 BCE

    The Phoenicians.

    The Phoenicians.
    Time in which establishes colonies throughout North Africa and southern Europe. They came to dominate trade from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea to the western coasts of North Africa and the European coasts, including to the shores of the Baltic Sea
  • Period: 5000 BCE to

    International Trade History

  • 1200 BCE

    The Greeks

    The Greeks
    Beginning in 1200 a. C. and the Doric invasion, until the year 146 a. C. and the Roman conquest of Greece after the battle of Corinth. They actively participated by sea in their commercial relations with Carthage, however, the problems arising from commercial competition, caused war between these two peoples.
  • 753 BCE

    The Romans

    The Romans
    They were those who displaced the Greeks as a maritime power, after the Greco-Roman wars of the second century before the Christian era. They developed large sea and land routes for international trade. They had an impressive fleet of galleys to transport goods from their colonies to Rome and vice versa.
  • 476

    Middle Ages

    Middle Ages
    Historical period that covers from the 5th century to the 15th century. Ten centuries of history that begins with the fall of the Roman Empire of the West, in 476 AD. At the end of this period, trade began to flourish again with the emergence of the League of Cities. The most important was the Hanseatic League, probably founded by Hamburg and Lubeck. This League became as powerful as a State, with an army and naval force.
  • 1325

    In the Aztec world there were two kinds of commerce:

    In the Aztec world there were two kinds of commerce:
    During the Aztec period there are two kinds of merchants: The Tlanamacanime (small and medium merchants) and the Pochtecas (dedicated to foreign trade). It was traded through the tianquiztli.
    1. The Metropolitan or local.

    2. The outside or outside, existing caravans that traveled to what is now Costa Rica and Panama
  • 1521

    In the Aztec trade:

    In the Aztec trade:
    There was the purchase and sale or barter, the mutual interest, transportation, loan and term transfers or credit.
  • 1521

    Colonial Period

    Colonial Period
    With the "discovery of America" and the exchange with Spain, the trade was sponsored by the monarchs and the aristocracy. Due to the important commercial exchange between the Metropolis and its Colony, it is created:
    • The Casa de Contratación de Sevilla, first as a private company of the Spanish Crown.
  • December 1821

    December 1821
    It was achieved that the Provisional Government Junta issued a General Internal Tariff of Maritime Customs in the free trade of the Empire, which constitutes the first tariff of Independent Mexico.
  • Period of Independent Mexico

    Period of Independent Mexico
    After the independence of Mexico, foreign trade was adrift, since the monopoly on the transportation of goods and the participation of the monarchy disappeared
  • 1823

    The Constituent Congress established a single right to charge, on behalf of the Treasury, 25% of the tariffs established by the tariff on the entry of all kinds of fruits and effects of the nations.
  • Plutarch Elias Calles.

    Plutarch Elias Calles.
    I sign between Mexico and Japan the Trade and navigation Treaty, based on respect for the laws of both countries.
  • Constitution of 1824:

    Constitution of 1824:
    The Congress approves the Trade Treaty between Mexico and Colombia on February 14, and in 1827 the Trade Agreement with Great Britain
  • 1827

    Congress approves a new tariff to curb imports
  • 1832

    As President Bustamante, the Treaty of Friendship, Trade and Navigation with the United States was signed.
  • In March of 1837

    In March of 1837
    The General Tariff of Maritime and Border Customs was issued.
  • May 1854

    May 1854
    The first Commercial Code was enacted.
  • Modern Era

    Modern Era
    Porfirio Díaz is attributed the Law for the Repression of Contraband and the Regulation so that the rights for the export of money can be paid in the ports or in the place of extraction, at the taxpayer's choice
  • 1880-1884

    During Manuel González’s government recommend to the department of New Commerce Code, the Mining law and organic laws between Constitution Articles 96, 101 and 102.
  • 1883

    The new Civil Code, Penal and Commercial were authorized; There was an international trade with the United States, and even there was a trade with Italy and Germany.
  • 1884-1911

    During the Porfiriato (1884- 1911) There was a creation of customs sections in unpopulated places, only to avoid clandestine traffic and to give facility to the commerce.
  • 1884

    There were friendly, trade and navigation tractates with France, United Kingdom, Spain, Sweden and Norway. And even there was a
    New tariff of maritime custom.
  • May 11, 1911

    May 11, 1911
    The Mexican government joined to the provisions about international maritime law at the London Declaration.
  • 1913

    Victoriano Huerta implemented a Project of Reforms to the Commerce Code Just to agree with the results of Brussels International Conference.
  • 1914-1920

    Venustiano Carranza across a document of June 7, 1917, he wanted to make easier the commerce with the United States.
  • 1920

    Adolfo de la Huerta realized a study to modify friendly, commerce and navigator treaties, taking with examples the produced effects around the world only for the war.
  • 1920

    With Alvaro Obregon as the president of Mexico celebrated
    the first international congress of traders.
  • 1921

    Across Mexican Consuls Convention in Madrid allowed facilities to the trade between Mexico and Spain.
  • Decree of April 1925

    Decree of April 1925
    The Commission of Tariffs was reorganized in order to make more efficient its tasks, being integrated by legacies of the secretaries of the Treasury.
  • April 1928

    April 1928
    The Customs Law was issued
  • 1929

    All observations concerning the increase in import tariffs of that country were formulated to the Government of the United States.
  • Emilio Portes

    Emilio Portes
    Culminated the work of the legislature with the issue of Civil, Penal and trade codes.
  • July 25, 1931

    July 25, 1931
    The Customs Law was reformed.
    It was in a highly protectionist policy in national production.
    Its tendency was towards the development of the general industry, especially to the agriculture.
  • Pascual Ortiz (1930-1932)

    Pascual Ortiz (1930-1932)
    It was intended to provide better and effective processing to government agencies interested in trade treaties.
    The Secretary of Foreign Affairs initiated the formation of a consultative Board of trade agreements.
    Is created the National Export Commission its objective was to study national production to organize national export and increase its volume.
  • Abelardo L. Rodríguez (1932-1934)

    Abelardo L. Rodríguez (1932-1934)
    Trade and industry improved thanks to the appropriate modification of tariffs and imports.
  • 1936

    The Spain government eliminated the sanction of garbanzo, just as coffee in a 10% and 20%
  • 1937

    The External Trade bank was created, with the objective of make easy the transportation and sales of mexican products.
  • December 30

    December 30
    The Official Journal of the Federation created the Marine Department
  • Lázaro Cárdenas (1934-1940)

    Lázaro Cárdenas (1934-1940)
    Regarding the economy, I think it should be more socially oriented.
    Foreign Trade
    Rationalization of tariff policy, with the aim of allowing Mexico to increase its exports.
  • November 7, 1943

    November 7, 1943
    Taxes on the importation of sanitary materials and articles, construction and adaptation of buildings for public works, as well as agricultural machinery.
  • First World War

    First World War
    Countries at the War were in practice to some restrictions About the International trade, creating a Hard situation for the Mexico’s External trade.
  • Manuel Ávila Camacho 1940-1946

    Manuel Ávila Camacho 1940-1946
    Promulged the Organic Law of Mexico Bank to get esay the loans to producers and the participation in the Values Market
  • Miguel Alemán Valdés 1946-1952:

    Miguel Alemán Valdés 1946-1952:
    An Economic Cooperation Pact signed in Bogotá was drafted in 1948. A Trade Treaty was signed with Canada and the Belgian-Mexican Chamber of Commerce was installed in Brussels.
  • December 31, 1956

    December 31, 1956
    In the Official Gazette of the Federation of December 31, 1956, the Commission created to protect the Extern Trade began to operater.
  • Adolfo Ruiz Cortínez 1952-1958:

    Adolfo Ruiz Cortínez 1952-1958:
    Before the United Nations, Mexico promoted a project for the recognition of the right of the States to freely dispose of their natural resources and fought for a resolution that would improve the terms of trade between the industrial countries and the insufficiently developed
  • Adolfo López Mateos 1958-1964:

    Adolfo López Mateos 1958-1964:
    The Constitutive Agreement of the Inter-American Development Bank was signed. With the increase in cotton harvests, Mexico became an exporter, signing the Agreement to create the Inter-American Cotton Federation based in our country. The same happened with coffee.

    In 1964, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) was created to find a mechanism to solve the problems of poverty in the developing countries, which would subsequently act as a pressure group in order that the decisions of the industrialized nations will not harm their interests.
  • Gustavo Díaz Ordaz 1964-1970:

    Gustavo Díaz Ordaz 1964-1970:
    In this period the doors were opened to foreign investment to accelerate economic progress, subjecting itself to Mexican legislation to complement national efforts in the achievement of social objectives
  • Luis Echeverría Álvarez 1970-1976:

    Luis Echeverría Álvarez 1970-1976:
    One of the most important contributions was the creation of the Mexican Institute of Foreign Trade, which was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation of December 31, 1970
  • Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of the States was approved

    Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of the States was approved
    In December 1974, the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of the States was approved, in order to achieve true international cooperation and facilitate the export of manufactured goods from the industrializing countries.
  • José López Portillo 1976-1982:

    José López Portillo 1976-1982:
    SECOFI (now the Ministry of Economy) is created, responsible for everything related to domestic and foreign trade, whose main purposes were to mitigate the inflationary rate and contribute to the reduction of the deficit of the trade balance with the Exterior
  • Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado 1982-1988:

    Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado 1982-1988:
    After the economic crisis of the previous administration, the Integral Promotion Program for Exports (PROFIEX) was applied, which included the simplification of administrative procedures. Industrial activity was recovered through measures established under the National Program for Industrial Development and Foreign Trade (PRONAFICE)
  • Carlos Salinas de Gortari 1988-1994:

    Carlos Salinas de Gortari 1988-1994:
    During his administration we found two relevant events. On the one hand, the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement, with the signature of Mexico, the United States and Canada. This Treaty contains in a gradual manner the opening of the borders of the three countries for the import and export of goods, goods and services in the terms and conditions established in this document.