International Terrorism - Unit 6 - Wright Esposito

  • Taliban

    The Taliban is another Islamic militant, extremist groups. The Taliban is much older than ISIS but still has a significant impact on today's world.
  • Isis

    Isis is an extremist militant group. Isis is also known as a criminal / terrorist organization, where many have been kidnapped and forced into joining. In today's world Isis is one of the most well known and largest terrorist organizations, hence it's significant to our term international terrorism.
  • 2005 London Bus Bombings

    The London Bus Bombings was when several explosions went off inside of the London Transit system. Many were injured and several were killed. This is a significant act of international terrorism, as London hadn't been severely attacked prior to this event.
  • 2004 Madrid Bombings

    In 2004, several trains in Madrid were bombed. This was just prior to Spain's national election. Al-Qaeda claimed that they were the perpetrators of the attack.
  • 2015 Paris Attacks

    In 2015, there was a series of coordinated terrorist attacks throughout Paris. This shook the nation as a whole and overall security was heavily increased over the following weeks.