international relations key dates

  • Kaiser Abdicated

    on the 9th of November 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated his throne and fled to the netherlands
  • End of World War One

    on the 11th of November 1918 the German army surrendered to the allies, ending 4 years of brutal war
  • Spartacist Uprising

    the Spartacists were a communist group and lead an uprising against the new government in berlin that lasted 3 weeks. it was crushed by the army with the help of the freikorps
  • German Workers Party (DAP) founded

    The German Workers Party (DAP) was founded in Munich. it was short lived and soon became the National Socialist German Workers Party. Adolf Hitler joined soon after
  • Ebert resigns from chancellor and becomes president

    After the uprising Ebert stepped down from the role of chancellor and was replaced by Scheidemann
  • Treaty of Versailles signed

    The Treaty of Versailles was signed and blamed Germany for the war. This put reparations on Germany. They threw Germany into poverty
  • Kapp Putsch

    Wolfgang Kapp leads the Freikorps in an attempted putsch in Berlin. The army refused Ebert’s command to put down the putsch. A general strike forces Kapp to admit defeat after 4 days and run away to Sweden.
  • Hiter appointed leader of Nazis

  • Japan invades Manchuria

    japan invades Manchuria for resources, league of nations fails to act
  • Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany

  • Italy invades Abyssinia

    Abyssinia was overpowered and the president asked the League of nations to help
  • Germany invades Poland

  • War Declared