Signing of Treaty of Versailes
Vilna Crisis
Upper Silesia Crisis
Aaland Island Crisis
Corfu Crisis
Greek-Bulgarian Crisis
Locarno Treaties
Germany joins the League of Nations
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Wall Street Crash
Japan claims there is an explosion on South Manchurian Railway in Mukden
Lytton Commision returns with its report
Disarmament Conference
Manchuria becomes Manchukuo
Japan Leaves the League
Hitler takes Germany out of the League of Nations
War between Italy and Abyssinia at Wal-Wal
First Attempt at Anschluss/The Dollfuss Affair
UK, France and Italy form Stresa Front Vs Germany
Peace Ballot in UK
Hoare-Laval Pact is made
Hitler reintroduces Conscription
Hitler signs a Ten Year Non-Agression Pact with Poland
Hitler signs Anglo-German Naval Agreement (AGNA)
Saar Plebiscite
Italy attack and invade Abyssinia
Italy unofficially leaves the League
Economic Sanctions on Italy are withdrawn
Rhineland is remilitarised
Mussolini signs Rome-Berlin Axis
Italy capture Addis Ababa
Haile Selaste appeals to the League
Hitler promises a 25 Year Non-Aggression Pact
Britain starts Rearmament
Japan signs the Anti-Comitern Pact
Italy leaves the League
German Bombing of Guernica
Poland gains Teschen from Czechoslovakia
Munich Agreement
Slovaks press for independance
Czech President Hacha resigns
Nazi-Soviet Pact
Germany invades Poland
Britain and France declare war on Germany