
International Organizations- Nikki Wines

  • League of Nation

    League of Nation
    The Treaty of Versailles was the peace settlement signed after World War One had ended in 1918 and in the shadow of the Russian Revolution and other events in Russia. After the turmoil caused by the Versailles Treaty, many looked to the League to bring stability to the world.
  • The League of Nations

    The League of Nations
    --failure--Teschen.In January 1919, Polish and Czech troops fought in the streets of Teschen. Many died. The League was called on to help and decided that the bulk of the town should go to Poland while Czechoslovakia should have one of Teschen’s suburbs. This suburb contained the most valuable coal mines and the Poles refused to accept this decision.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    In 1919, Italian nationalists, angered that the "Big Three" had, in their opinion, broken promises to Italy at the Treaty of Versailles, captured the small port of Fiume. This port had been given to Yugoslavia by the Treaty of Versailles. For 15 months, Fiume was governed by an Italian nationalist called d’Annunzio. The newly created League did nothing.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    The Aaland Islands. Neither Sweden nor Finland could come to a decision as to who owned the islands and in 1921 they asked the League to adjudicate. The League’s decision was that they should remain with Finland but that no weapons should ever be kept there. Both countries accepted the decision and it remains in force to this day.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    Memel. the Treaty of Versailles had put Memel and the land surrounding the port under the control of the League. For three years, a French general acted as a governor of the port but in 1923 the Lithuanians invaded the port. The League intervened and gave the area surrounding Memel to Lithuania but they made the port an "international zone".
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    1946-48 Greece--failure-- Greek Communists attacked the government in an attempt to overthrow it. The UN investigated Greek complaint that several communist Balkan states were assisting Greek communists. UN Special Committee set up. UN failed to stop fighting in Greece.
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    Kashmir--failure-- ongoing A dispute between India and Pakistan. Security Council arranged a ceasefire between the two and monitored the situation. Ceasefire kept for 16 years but UN failed to persuade either side to withdraw military forces from Kashmir.
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    Indonesia declared itself independent of Dutch rule. Dutch sent in troops to sort out a 'domestic matter'. The UN sponsored Indonesia's call for independence. 1949, Dutch agreed to this.
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    1950-53 Korea. Condemned by UN and a military force created to push North Korea out of the South. The UN force attacked Northern forces but its action provoked a response from China. Stalemate by 1953 when ceasefire signed. Still in force today.
  • World Trade Organization

    World Trade Organization
    1960-62 --Fifth Gatt round named in honour of US Under Secretary of State Douglas Dillon who proposed the negotiations. It yielded tariff concessions worth $4.9bn of world trade and involved negotiations related to the creation of the European Economic Community.
  • International Monetary Fund

    International Monetary Fund
    Board of Governors approves plan to establish special drawing rights (SDRs).The SDR was created by the IMF in 1969 to support the Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate system. A country participating in this system needed official reserves—government or central bank holdings of gold and widely accepted foreign currencies—that could be used to purchase the domestic cucurrencies—that could be used to purchase the domestic currency in foreign exchange markets, as required to maintain its exchange rate.
  • International Monterary Fund

    International Monterary Fund
    United States informs IMF it will no longer freely buy and sell gold to settle international transactions. Par values and convertibility of the dollar—two main features of the Bretton Woods system—cease to exist.
  • International Monetary Fund

    International Monetary Fund
    Committee of 20 concludes work, agreeing on immediate program to help monetary system evolve. Executive Board establishes oil facility and adopts "Guidelines for the Management of Floating Exchange Rates" and new method of SDR valuation based on basket of 16 currencies.
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    East Timor --failure-- East Timor occupied by Indonesia and declared it part of Indonesia. UN called on Indonesia to withdraw but could not enforce its resolution. Many examples of human rights violations by Indonesia in East Timor. UN could do nothing.
  • International Monetary Fund

    International Monetary Fund
    IMF begins to use simplified basket of five currencies to determine daily valuation of SDR.
  • International Monetary Fund

    International Monetary Fund
    Executive Board approves membership of countries of the former Soviet Union.
  • World Trade Oganization

    World Trade Oganization
    • WTO members meeting in Doha, Qatar, agree on the Doha Development Agenda, the nineth trade round which is intended to open negotiations on opening markets to agricultural, manufactured goods, and services.
  • World Trade Organization

    World Trade Organization
    WTO rules that duties imposed by the US on imported steel are illegal. US President Bush repeals the tariffs to avoid a trade war with the EU.
  • World Trade Organization

    World Trade Organization
    --failure-- WTO says global trade flows are set to shrink by 9% during 2009. Hardest hit will be developed nations, where trade is set to fall 10%. Poorer countries will see exports fall by 2-3%.
  • World Trade Organization

    World Trade Organization
    countries sign the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Gatt) in Geneva, Switzerland, to try to give an early boost to trade liberalisation.