
International Law Evolution. José Manuel Madrazo

  • Beginning of modern "international law"

    Beginning of modern "international law"
    Mid-17th century (1625 / 1648).
  • Grotius: "On the Laws of War and Peace"

    Grotius: "On the Laws of War and Peace"
    He is one of the fathers of international law.
  • Peace of Westphalia

    Peace of Westphalia
    End of the 30 Years War.
    Establishment of sovereign states and the start of international societies.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    Begin regular meeting of States in Europe to mantain its peace.
  • Rhine Commission

    Rhine Commission
    First international organisation.
    Started at the Congress of Vienna but legally formed with the Revised Convention for Navigation on the Rhine.
  • Start of multilateral Conventions.

    Start of multilateral Conventions.
    End of 19th century.
    Regulating sea problems and slaves.
  • League of Nations & Peace settlement after WWI

    League of Nations & Peace settlement after WWI
    International organization meant to prevent the mistakes of war to happen again.
  • Permanent Court of International Justice

    Permanent Court of International Justice
    Taking only cases between States that consented to its jurisdiction.
  • Begins the extension of international law.

    Begins the extension of international law.
    After the Second World War. The United Nations gathered 51 original states.
  • International Court of Justice

    International Court of Justice
    Replacing the Permanent Court of International Justice. It is the judicial organ of the United Nations.
  • United Nations. WWII

    United Nations. WWII
    Replacing the League of Nations, the UN seek global peace in a democratic way.
  • International Law Commission

    International Law Commission
    Established by the General Assembly. Is in charge of the codification and development of international law.
  • Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.

    Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.
    Sets the bases of international treaties that States need to follow.