International Crisises

By 17hernk
  • Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    causes austria to declare war on serbia
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    Germany sends the Zimmerman Telegram to Mexico.The British intercept and decipher the coded message. Which asks mexico to join and declare war on the united states.
  • Treaty of Brest Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest Litovsk
    peacee treaty between russia and the central powers
  • War Offically Ends

    War Offically Ends
    treaty of versailles offically ended ww1 by making germany pay loads of reparitions
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    September 1, 1939 – October 6, 1939
    After they were asked not to, Germany invades poland.
  • World War Two Starts

    World War Two Starts
    As promises, britain and france declare war on germany for invading poland.
  • Germany Invades USSR

    Germany Invades USSR
    Hitler breaks his pact/promise with Stalin and invades Russia and creates the eastern front
  • Attack On Pearl Harbor

    Attack On Pearl Harbor
    Japenese drop bombs and American base located in hawaii
    this starts the american involvement in the war
  • D-Day

    Allied forces land on the breaches of normandy in operation overloard
  • Two Countries

    Two Countries
    After WW2 Korea becomes North and South Korea divided at the 38th parallel.
  • Atomic Bombs Dropped

    Atomic Bombs Dropped
    the US dropped an atomic bomb ("Little Boy") on Hiroshima in Japan. Three days later a second atomic bomb ("Fat Man") was dropped on the city of Nagasaki.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    Harry Truman gives a speech that says the United States will protect any country that is threatened by communism.
  • United States joins the War

    United States joins the War
    To try to stop the spread of communism.
  • China joins the War

    China joins the War
  • From July 1951 Until July 1953

  • Election

    Eisenhower elected, he wanted to withdraw troops as soon as possible.
  • Gulf of Tonkin

    Gulf of Tonkin
    Vietnemese "attack" American ships
  • U.S Troops arrive in Vietnam

    U.S. combat troops first arrive in Vietnam.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    This is the end of Unites states citizen support. lasts for months
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    Lt. William Calley led the slaughter of hundreds of citizens
  • Woodstock

    an accidental success, 3 day concert people joined together against the war.
  • Cambodia

    Nixon annnounces the united states will send troops into cambodia to attack enemies, this sparks many protests.
  • Kent State

    Kent State
    Members of the national gaurd shot nine and killed four students two who were protesting and two who were on their way to class.
  • 26th Ammendment

    26th Ammendment
    the voting age is changed form 21 to 18
  • Watergate

    5 men caught breaking into watergate, this leads to nixon's resignation
  • U.S Withdraw

    the uniytes states removes its last troops from vietnam
  • End of Vietnam War

    End of Vietnam War
    Saigon Falls as a result the vietnam war ends
  • Persian Gulf War

    Sadaam Hussaim invades Kuwait
  • United Nations ask Iraq to withdrawl from Kuwait

  • Hussein Defies U.S orders

  • Operation Desert Storm

    Operation Desert Storm
    42 days of attacks-feb 28 was a cease fire
  • Civil War In Yugoslavia

    Slovenia and Croatia delcare their independence
  • Bosnia Independence

  • Humanitarian Relief Efforts

    Humanitarian Relief Efforts
    US will airlif supplies to pass congested areas and prefent stealing
  • Operation Provide Relief

    no military in these efforts
  • US marines and navy seals

    they arrive in mogadishu to help secure the area
  • Sarajevo attacked

    68 killed, 200 wounded... INTERNATIONAL CALL FOR HELP
  • Adid attacks solidiers

    24 pakistani killed, 44 injured
    the us attacks and Adid kulles 4 journalists
  • Mogadishu

    Dozens of US troops are killed fighing in ther capital of somlia
  • Military effectivness takes hold

    Massive NATO bombing forces
  • Peace

    milosevic talks peace
    agrees to spilt and democratic elections
    30 men prosecuted as war criminals
  • Second Persian Gulf War Begins

    Second Persian Gulf War Begins