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Interesting Facts about Japan 710-1868

By Catmoid
  • Jan 1, 710

    Japans first permanent capital

    Japans first permanent capital
    The very first permanent capital of Japan is founded at a place called Nara. The City is also called Nara.
  • Period: Jan 1, 710 to

    Japan Facts

  • Period: Jan 1, 710 to

    Nara Period

    During the Nara period most of the people were in small villiages that worhiped the spirts of Kami.
  • Jan 1, 1068

    Gosanjo overthrows Fujiwara

    Gosanjo overthrows Fujiwara
    The clan of Gosanjo overthrows the clan of Fujiwara.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1136 to Dec 31, 1534

    Ashikaga Period

    This period was also known as the muromachi period named after the shogunate muromachi. Muromach preaty much had complete control of Japan at the start of the period.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1185 to Jan 1, 1336

    Kamakura Period

    The period is named after the shogunate Kamakura. Also during this period, the rise of the samurai and the establishment of feudalism.
  • Jan 1, 1274

    Mongolia invades Japan

    Mongolia invades Japan
    The Mongolians launch a massive invasion on Japan. Even though the Mongolians had more superior weapons they were still deafeated.
  • Jan 1, 1467

    War Erupts Between Japan

    War Erupts Between Japan
    The civil war otherwise known as the Onin war erupts between Japan and the country is split between various Feudal Lords.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1534 to

    Sengoku-Jidai:Period of Country at War

    During this period there was alot of militery conflict. One of the reasons why there was so much militery conflict was becouse the ruler at the time failed to gain loyalty from other importent rulers at the time.
  • Japan tries to conqour Korea

    Japan tries to conqour Korea
    Toyotomi Hideyoshi and his army attempt to conqour Korea but fail.
  • Japan Bans Chrisianity

    Japan Bans Chrisianity
    Leyasu curant ruler of Japan bans Christianity.
  • Period: to

    Tokugwa Period

    The main things that happened in this period were: The country began growing economicly and the rulers had complete control over there people. Thies period is also known as the Edo period.
  • Japan bans Ship Construction

    Japan bans Ship Construction
    A shogun at the time bans all ship construction in Japan.
  • Japan bans Interaction with foreigners

    Japan bans Interaction with foreigners
    The shogun Ieyasu bans contact to all countries except China and the Dutch.
  • Emperor Bans contact to China

    Emperor Bans contact to China
    The Emperor at the time bans all contact from China for a second time.
  • Japan bans contact to China

    Japan bans contact to China
    The emperor of Japan bans all conact to China.
  • Period: to Dec 31, 1185

    The Heian Period

    The period is named after the capital city at the time of Kyoto. At this time the Countrys main religoun was Budhism. This is when the Samurai class slowly began to rise.