• The colonial period

    When education began in Jamestown, the firts english settlement in North America
  • Bostin Latin Grammar school

    Prepared boys for ministry and law.
  • Franklins acdemy

    Eliminated religion, focused on practical needs: math science, navigation.
  • Treaties

    Federa; government signs nearly 400 treaties with natuve americans nations and tribes.
  • Early Natoinal Period.

    The constitution removes formal religin form schools and establishes state responsibility in education.
  • the common school movement

    Free public schooling becomes accesible to most students.
  • English classical school

    focused on needs of boys not attending college
  • Boarding

    The US government begins boarding schools.
  • commitee of ten

    created standards amd methods for high school.
  • Commision on the reorganization of secondary education

    Created Cardinal primciples of education, including applied goals in health and civic education.
  • Education

    National reports and federal legislation provide native americans with greater control over education.
  • Launch of Sattelite

    The russian launching of the stallite Spunnik in 1957 was a key event of this period.
  • War on Poverty

    Federal programs designed to eradicate poverty during the 1960's
  • Education act

    Indican education act establishes office of indian educatiobn act.
  • Education act

    Natative american languages act protects the languages and cultures of native americans.
  • 2000

    Schools become instruments of national purpose and social change,