
Interactive Digital Technology Timeline

  • Xhtml becomes web standard

    Xhtml becomes web standard
  • AR Quake is first Augmented Reality Game

    AR Quake is first Augmented Reality Game
  • Itunes released

    Itunes released
  • Virtual keyboard by Canesta

    Virtual keyboard by Canesta
  • Braille glove invented - paving way for motion graphics

    Braille glove invented - paving way for motion graphics
  • Begin growth of 3d printer manufacturing

    Begin growth of 3d printer manufacturing
  • First full length 3D IMAX feature film using Reality Camera System which popularized 3D films in mainstream theaters

    First full length 3D IMAX feature film using Reality Camera System which popularized 3D films in mainstream theaters
  • Google begins digitizing books

  • Period: to

    Sonoprep - Uses acoustics to replace shot

  • Facebook launched

    Facebook launched
  • First system for tracking 3d markers with mobile phone

    First system for tracking 3d markers with mobile phone
  • Google Earth released

    Google Earth released
  • Adidas releases "Smart Shoe"

    Adidas releases "Smart Shoe"
  • Youtube invented

    Youtube invented
  • Tracking System for Outdoor Augmented Reality

    Tracking System for Outdoor Augmented Reality
  • Khan Academy started - changing the way we learn

    Khan Academy started - changing the way we learn
  • Nintendo releases Wii - first in motion gaming

    Nintendo releases Wii - first in motion gaming
  • TedTalks become so popular that website is relaunched around video content

    TedTalks become so popular that website is relaunched around video content
  • Iphone released

    Iphone released
  • Wikitude

  • First MOOC started by Siemens and Downes paving way for free open-source learning

    First MOOC started by Siemens and Downes paving way for free open-source learning
  • Sixth Sense

    Sixth Sense
  • World Digital Library Launched

    World Digital Library Launched
  • Foursquare created

    Foursquare created
  • IPAD released

    IPAD released
  • Launch of E-paper

    Launch of E-paper
  • E-books outsell hardcover books on Amazon

    E-books outsell hardcover books on Amazon
  • Twitter launched

    Twitter launched
  • Printbrush
