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Inter War Years

By Steyts
  • Treaty of Saint-Germain

    The Treaty of Saint-Germain was a treaty concluding WW1, signed by Austrian and the allied powers' representatives. The location that the treaty was signed was at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, at the western suburbs of Paris. The treaty was signed on 10 September, 1919 and came into effect on 16 July, 1920.
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    French occupation of Ruhr

    The French occupation of Ruhr occured when French and Belgian invaded Germany's Ruhr Valley. The French invaded Ruhr because the German government failed to honour the terms of the Treaty of Versailles and the Reparations Commission. France was suffering from shortages of industrial resources like coal. The French had a lot to gain by occupying the Ruhr valley because it housed three-quarters of Germany's steel and coal.
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    Primo de Rivera Spanish Dictator

    Miguel Primo de Rivera was a spanish dictator of Spain. He founded a nationalistic and authoritarian regime attempting to unify the nation with the motto, "Country, Religion, Monarchy." He enjoyed success in some areas but his repressive government failed to create an acceptable political system.
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Throughout November 8 to November 9 in 1923, Adolf Hitler and his party were staged at the Beer Hall Putsch, Munich. It was a failed attempt to take power due to Gustav, Ritter von Kahr who called in police and reinforcements from the army. There was a short encounter where the police ended up killing 16 of Hitler's Nazis. Hitler ended up fleeing but got arrested in two days.
  • Locarno Pacts

    The pact of Locarno which started on 1 December, 1925 was a series of agreements that mutually guaranteed peace across western Europe, the pact was between Germany, France, Belgium, Great Britain and Italy. The treaties initialised at Locarno, Switz, on 16 October and were then signed in London on the 1 December.
  • Young Plan

    Young PLan, was the second renegotiation of Germany's WW1 payments for reparation. The new committee, which was chaired by an American by the name of Owen D. Young. He met in Paris on 11 February, 1929 to revise the previous, Dawes Plan of 1924.
  • Spanish Monarchy overthrown/Republic established

    Beginning April 14, 1931 the monarchy of Spain was overthrown and a temporary government took power. In time the government was clearly divided between socialists of the left and right. In the elections the left won in majority. The right party reacted angrily and were disagreeing to the left parties efforts to reform the army. The right party viewed the violence and anarchy reigning the streets of Spain so they decided to overthrow the government.
  • Hitler German Chancellor

    By the choice of Paul von Hindenburg, Hitler was appointed the role of chancellor of Germany on 30 January, 1933. He failed a few times at becoming chancellor due to other people trying to stop him but in the end Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany.
  • Stresa Front

    The Stresa Front, which was a coalition of Italy, France and Britain. It was formed 14 of April 1935 at Stresa in Italy. It was created to oppose Adolf Hitler's declared intention to rearm Germany which violates the terms of the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Pact of Steel

    The Pact of Steel was known as the pact of friendship and alliance between Italy and Germany. It was also a political and military alliance between Germany and Italy. It was signed on 22 of May in 1939. The Pact of Steel eventually became the Tripartite Pact since Japan soon became the third constituent of the triad.