WWI Ends
Germany had formally surrendered and all nations had agreed to stop fighting while the terms of peace were negotiated. -
The treaty of Versailles is Signed
The Treaty of Versailles ends World War One and imposes heavy reparations payments on Germany. -
The First Meeting of the League of Nations
The Assembly of the League of Nations meets for the first time in Geneva, Switzerland. The US is notably absent, the Senate having voted against joining the League. -
The Beer Hall Putsch
Adolf Hitler and General Ludendorf, a World War One hero, lead a small contingent of followers in a harmless, comical attempt at rebellion, for which Hitler is imprisoned for two years. -
The German Chamber of Deputies Accepts the Dawes Plan
The Dawes Plan restructures the schedule of German reparations payments so as to reduce the amount of annual payments, and grants Germany a large loan. -
The final League of Nations Disarmament Conference is Held
The last major League of Nations-sponsored disarmament conference meets from February to July 1932 at Geneva, with 60 nations in attendance, including the United States. However, this conference, like it's predecessors, fails to secure any agreement, and organized disarmament remains an unaccomplished goal. -
Hitler is Appointed Chancellor of Germany
In an attempt to reel in the chaos of the German government, President Paul von Hindenburg declares Hitler chancellor, the first major step in Hitler's ascent to dictatorship. -
Germany invades Poland
World War II begins when Nazi Germany invades Poland. France and Britain declare war on Germany. -
Deportation of Jews
Nazi soldier Adolf Eichmann, one of Hitler’s commanders, begin the deportation of Jews (aka the Holocaust) from Austria and Czechoslovakia to send them into prisoner camps in Poland. -
Germany invades Denmark and Norway
Denmark surrenders on the day of the attack; Norway holds out until June 9. -
Germany invades Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg
Hitler begins his Western offensive by sending his forces into Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg -
Germany begins invasion of France
The Germans cross the French border -
Italy joins the war as an ally of Germany.
Italy declares war on France and Great Britain -
Battle of Britain begins
Air war between Britain and Germany -
Japanese start occupying bases in Indo-China.
Japan extends its control over the whole of French Indochina. -
Germany invades the Soviet Union
Germany invades the Soviet Union without declaring war. The Soviet Union joins the Allies in war against Germany. Hitler is now fighting a two-front war. -
Japanese attack Pearl Harbour
Hundreds of Japanese warplanes, launched from aircraft carriers far out at sea, attack the American Pacific fleet anchored at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. USA declares war on Japan and joins Allied war effort. -
Australia declares war on Japan
Germany and Italy declare war on USA
Nazi Germany and its Axis partners declare war on the United States. -
Air war continues across Europe
This war goes on until December 1942 (1 year) -
Battle of the Coral Sea begins
Battle between Japan and naval and air forces from USA and Australia. -
Australians defeat Japanese at Milne Bay
This is the first Japanese land defeat -
Japanese begin their retreat along the Kokoda Trail
The Japanese advanced toward Kokoda village. -
Australians recapture Kokoda
Germany suffers significant defeat in Russia (Battle of Stalingrad)
German Field Marshal Friedrich von Paulus surrenders at Stalingrad. The war in the East has turned. -
Italy surrenders to Allies
Italy accepts Allied surrender terms. German troops move to take control of the country. -
Italy declares war on Germany
The government of Italy declares war on its former Axis partner Germany and joins the battle on the side of the Allies. -
Allies invade German-occupied France (D-Day)
D-Day arrives, known as the greatest military invasion in history beginning with the Normandy Landings. -
Plot to assassinate Hitler fails
Russian army enters Berlin, Germany
Hitler commits suicide in Berlin bunker
Hitler names Admiral Karl Donitz to succeed him, then shoots himself in the mouth. -
German forces surrender to the Allies
Germany surrenders. The Reich that Hitler promised would last a thousand years had lasted less than a dozen. -
Victory in Europe
V-E Day is proclaimed as Victory in Europe is celebrated. -
Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan,
40,000 men, women and children are obliterated in an instant. Despite the devastation, the Japanese still would not accept the Allied surrender terms. -
Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan
Approximately 22, 000 deaths. -
Victory in the Pacific (VP) Day – Japan surrenders
Japan accepts unconditional surrender terms. -
Japan formally surrenders, ending World War II.