Inter-War period - Izzy

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Forced Germany to give up territories to Belgium, Czechoslovakia . and Poland. Germany was also forced to claim full responsiility for the start of World War l. The German army was to be limited to 100,000 men. Germany was also liable for all material damages
  • The Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye

    Established the Austrian Republic which consisted of most German speaking regions in the Hasburg state.
  • Treaty of Trianon

    Hungary became an independent state. The state gave up Transylvania to Romania; Slovakia and Transcarpathian Rus to Czechoslovakia; and other Hungarian crown lands to Yugoslavia.
  • Treaty of Sèvres

    Ottoman Empire ended hostilities with allied powers
  • Treaty of Lausanne

    New Republic of Turkey signed, effectively partitioning the old Ottoman Empire.