Inter-War Period- Declan

  • Communism

    With the government being overthrown and replaced by the Bolshevik Party, Russia became a communist country
  • Treaty Of Brest Litovsk

    This Treaty was commissioned after the launch of Operation Faustschlag and the new Soviet Government of Russia signed the treaty with Germany.
  • Treaty Of Versailles

    This was the Peace Treaty that was signed by the Allied Forces and the Germans, signed before the Armistice which ended the fighting.
  • World War 1 ended

    The Great War finally ended on this date after the four year conflict, ending by a Armistices between the Allies and the Germans.
  • League Of Nations

    Due to the United States President Woodrow Wilson's contribution to the Treaty of Versailles. The League Of Nations was to resolve disputes between some countries
  • Economic Boom Of 1920's

    After the First World War, America experienced a massive demand of American Goods, Jobs became easier to find, the salary increased along with the jobs. As well as the long line of many Automobiles that rolled off the production line
  • Isolationism

    With the end of World War 1, United States quickly left the European Commitment, and failing to join the League Of Nations, United States towns and areas had be harden by Isolationism
  • Fascism

    After the Treaty signed before the end of the WW1, this gave rise to Fascism in places like Germany and Italy, with Hitler becoming the face of Fascism. This Lead up to the events of WW2.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression severely impacted countries worldwide but originating in US, with less jobs and the collapse of stock markets, sending the world into chaos.